Polly dropped her eyes, adding a few internal stitches from her end. “I think you’ll end up marrying him. And I’m so damn happy for you, Ves, but I’m freaking terrified at the same time.”
It wasn’t the word marriage that made me gasp but the fact my best friend was afraid.
The needle slipped from my hands. “What? Why?”
“I know I should be supportive and see the glass half full and gaining a brother-in-law from my sister from another mister, but I don’t. I feel a little lost because you’ve got a life outside of me and this practice now. And I knew it would happen eventually—I kinda hoped it would be me doing the nesting thing first, but whatever.” She laughed again, not quite pulling it off. Her gaze dropped to our patient and her steady hands. “I don’t know what I’m trying to say. I love you, that’s all. And I miss you. Even though you’re standing right there.”
It wasn’t protocol and I sure as hell wouldn’t put up with it if it was anyone else but me and Polly, but I skirted around the operating table and hugged her. We stood there for a few seconds, leaning into each other before separating and returning to work.
No words were needed. And concentration on something bigger than ourselves kept our thoughts centred and calm.
Once we’d finished our task and sewed up the snow-white Peke-A-Tese in companionable silence, we added gauze and placed a cone around the slowly rousing doggy’s head so she couldn’t get to the stitches.
I sighed, rolling my shoulders as we washed our instruments. “I love you, Pol. And there will always be a place for you in my life—whether I marry this one or another or end up a spinster with piglets. And I’m not seeing Ryder tonight. Come around. We’ll have a sleep over like old times. We’ll get drunk, watch movies, and be single together.”
Polly’s spine slouched in utter gratefulness. “You mean that? Truly?” It was her turn to drop her scalpel into disinfectant and squeeze me. “Thank you, Vessie. It’s been…well, I’ll tell you when we hang out tonight. But it’s been lonely without you.” Pecking my cheek, she helped me wheel our brand-new puppy mummy into recovery.
* * *
That night, when the doorbell chimed, my heart leapt for an entirely different reason.
It wasn’t because of Ryder or anticipation of kinky sexy time.
It was because I’d missed my best friend.
I’d been selfish for not giving her a second thought while I was in my love bubble with my sexy man.
I’m a bad friend.
But tonight, I would make up for it with sugar overload, awful viewing material, and juicy gossip. I would fully break the rules of secrecy about what Ryder and I had been up to in the bedroom if it made her feel better.
Opening the door, I squealed, letting my inner wild child come out. “Girls unite!”
“You’re such a dork.” Polly stood with her arms full of blankets, pillows, and junk food. “Get me inside before your neighbours think I’m moving in and increase your rent.”
Taking some of her hoard, I skipped into the lounge and threw the lot onto the couch. I’d already pushed aside the coffee table and rolled out a few squishy yoga mats onto the carpet so we could lie down and Netflix for hours.
Last night, the thought of not spending the evening with Ryder had crushed me. Now, I was glad his brother was in town because it meant me and Polly had some quality time.
However, while I bounced like a loon and headed into the kitchen to grab the overly buttered popcorn, fizzy bubbly, and a mix bag of sweeties that I could afford from the discount aisle, Polly sat heavily on the couch and grabbed Visa in a bear hug.
Barb crawled over to her too, pampered and warm in her woolly jumper that I’d bought her when I was in the pet store with Ryder.
“Pol…what is it?”
Abandoning the snacks on the kitchen table, I dashed to her. Taking her hand, I pulled her into me while she buried her face into Visa’s marmalade scruff. Visa adored Polly. Sometimes more than I thought she loved me.
Perhaps, I should let her take her home.
She needed a pet. I kept telling her that, but in all our years together she’d not once got a little soul to cuddle. She said she would love that little animal too damn much and when the inevitable came to say goodbye, it would destroy her.
I got that—knowing we’d outlive a beloved pet was hard. But weren’t the happy memories worth it?
“Pol, talk to me. You’re scaring me.”
“Sorry, Vessie. I just…I’ve missed talking shit with you and I’ve been holding onto this for maximum effect.” She looked up, her lips pursed. I didn’t know if she was holding back laughter or tears. “Ready to be my agony aunt?”
My mind ran wild.