Of course, that’s before I remind myself she’s not like me, or my Alphas.
“Shit. She’s a Beta,” I mutter.
Meaning, she doesn’t have Alpha instincts or Omega intuition.
Her body won’t make her natural scent stronger to signal that we’re her mates, and it doesn’t matter if she feels attracted to us. She won’t assume it means something special.
“She made her ex sound like an asshole,” Gio confesses. “And she told me she was going through a no-dating phase. I don’t think it would be smart to rush anything with her.”
“We can’t just not tell her,” I protest.
“I don’t like the thought of that either,” Enzo admits.
“I’m not talking about lying to her,” Gio says. “We just take our time and find the right moment to tell her. She’s not ready. She won’t take us seriously. It might freak her out.”
Enzo sighs. He’s reluctant, but I can tell he’s ready to side with G.
“You’re not with Gio on this. You can’t be.”
“We have to think about what’s best for Beth,” Enzo says. “If she’s not ready, we should be careful. She won’t think twice about pushing us away if we move too fast. There’s nothing we can do to help her see the truth on her own. All we can control is our own actions. Gio is right. We’ll have to choose our moment.”
I look down at Beth’s sleeping face in dismay.
It doesn’t feel right to keep this from her.
At the same time, I have to accept that my Alphas know what’s best for this pack.
They don’t make their decisions lightly, and they have everyone’s best interests at heart.
Still, everyone makes mistakes sometimes, and I can’t help wondering if this might be one of those times.
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Gasping awake to the screeching sounds of the worst alarm I’ve ever heard, I sit up quickly and wipe my hand across my open mouth. It’s as wet as it felt, and so is my cheek.
Ugh. Drool. I was drooling. Yuck.
Worse news just in; this also isn’t my bedroom.
I glance to my right and realize to my horror I must have been sleeping in Enzo’s lap, in the bar Gio brought me to, and that screeching sound is coming from the stage, where a huge guy with a high-pitched voice has replaced Jack front and center.
Grabbing my purse and hauling it open, my pink hedgehog springs out and makes a nose-dive for the floor. A quick hand to my left grabs it before it gets there, and I look up to lock eyes with the guy who brought me here.
“Can’t lose this little guy after all the trouble you went through to get him,” Gio tells me.
I manage a wry smile, then I remind myself I probably still have drool on my cheek.
I grab a tissue out of the pack inside my purse and wipe the area around my mouth quickly before I dry up the drool I already wiped onto my hand.
Okay, now at least I don’t have saliva running down my face.
“Thanks,” I tell Gio. “I should really …”
“Get going?” he asks, sounding disappointed.
I shrug. “I think it might be past my bedtime.”