I laugh. “I wouldn’t call it sordid. I found out they’re my true mates. This was after they gave me a job at the restaurant.”
She blinks. “Back up and tell me everything from the start. You just gave me whiplash.”
“Sit down, and I’ll tell you everything.”
Chapter Eighty-Six
Catherine’s all caught up when Jack arrives with the pizza, but I did spare her the details since she prefers not to dish those out, and, honestly, I can kind of see where she was coming from on that now. I’m too into my mates to want to share any of our intimate moments with anyone else. Those moments are private. They’re between me and them.
I see my sister trying to check Jack’s face for the shiner I mentioned he got when my ex showed up. Yeah, I told her about Rourke. I may have skimmed some details to avoid talking about him too much, but considering she wasn’t living with Mom and Dad when I was dating him, she only knows who he is by who his famous parents are.
Jack sets the pizza boxes down on the coffee table and takes a look around the room.
“Nice apartment,” Jack compliments. “And this building is the most secure place in the area.”
“I also got a nice deal on the rent,” Catherine tells him. “I do my landlord’s taxes for free, and he does not know how to use a computer. Like seriously, he shows up here with a box of receipts every month, and I give him a rent check along with a bill. He doesn’t cash the check until he’s paid the bill. Works out pretty well for me.”
“I did not know about that,” I confess, kind of impressed at how enterprising my sister is being.
She shrugs. “Everybody haggles in the city. There’s always some way to get a better deal.”
“She’s not wrong,” Jack tells me when I look his way. “I got us a discount on the bar install yesterday afternoon, by offering the guy a bunch of vouchers for free meals. Enzo had just made soup and gave him a cup to taste test. That definitely sold him on the vouchers.”
“When is he doing the install?” I ask, wondering how soon we’ll be ready for customers.
“Friday, and he assures me it’ll be completed on the same day. He did also hint it would come along faster if some food was served at noon. Oh, and I got confirmation that the signs are being installed on Friday, too.”
“I wonder if we can be ready to open up on Saturday?”
“That seems ambitious,” Catherine says.
“I guess I’m ambitious.”
She laughs. “Okay, come on. I want to see what the big deal is with these pizzas.”
I nod and Jack spreads the boxes out, spins them and opens them, lightning fast.
“One spicy vegetarian, and one meaty pepperoni.”
“They’re both amazing,” I assure Catherine.
She takes a good look at both before picking up a slice of vegetarian.
“You’re not into pepperoni?” I ask, just curious.
“I can feel myself putting on weight just looking at it.”
“You only live once,” I remind her.
Jack grabs a slice of pepperoni and sits down on the edge of the armchair my mom pulled forward. “So, there are a couple of things I should update you on.”
“Didn’t we just do that?” I ask, before leaning forward and picking up a slice of pepperoni.
“For renovation updates, yeah. We did. But that’s not the stuff you really need to know.”
“It’s not?”