“We’re all supposed to be hers,” Enzo says. “She might have a harder time with that if she starts to move at a faster speed with you. We should all spend time with her, separately at first, while she’s working here.”
“I know,” I tell him, smiling wryly. “I was just being greedy.”
If I could have all of her time for myself, I would, but that wouldn’t be fair on anyone.
“Lunch is ready, Arrow!” Jack calls out.
“I think he’s in the men’s room,” Enzo says. “He was a bit weirded out after that whole thing with the guy he saw standing outside. He said he wanted to go splash water on his face, and down his pants.”
That sounds like Arrow. “What do you make of what he saw?”
“I think he saw someone. I think he felt like the guy was meant to be mated to him.”
“You don’t think he might have been … daydreaming?”
Enzo shakes his head. “No, and I don’t want you suggesting that to him. It was real.”
“It’s too weird to think about,” Jack says. “My mind is on Beth. I don’t want to contemplate the thought of another mate walking into our lives. She’s amazing, and she’s ours. That’s all I care about right now.”
“Agreed,” I tell him, looking over at Enzo as he starts to sit down. “I don’t suppose there’s more of that in the kitchen?”
He laughs. “I made four portions in case you were hungry again. The fourth is still in the pot on the stove. You can grab it if you want it.”
“Grazie a dio,” I murmur, before I head off to the kitchen.
It takes all of two minutes to dish my portion onto a plate and to grab a jug of water to go with it.
By the time I’m headed back to the table, Arrow’s at his usual seat, his light hair wet and sticking up in all directions. He smiles at me as I approach.
“Did you hear the good news?” he asks.
I nod slowly, taking my seat and pouring us each a glass of water.
“I heard. Do you want some of this, or have you had enough?”
“Ha ha,” he says, as he picks up his fork. “You try being this sensitive twenty-four-seven. See how well you hold it together.”
“I have nothing but respect for how you get through the day, Arrow.”
I know it can’t be easy feeling everything all the time.
I have a hard enough time working through my own emotions.
“Beth called Gio,” Jack tells him. “She’s definitely into him.”
“Why wouldn’t she be into him?” Arrow asks. “She’s going to be into all of us soon enough.”
“Not soon enough for me,” Jack admits, giving me a look. “Lucky bastard.”
“That’s actually my handle on that app.”
“I’m not surprised.”
We eat, and no one mentions the guy Arrow saw again, but I can’t help thinking about him.
If our Omega wasn’t daydreaming, there must be a reason another fated mate is showing up right after Beth did. I don’t know what that reason is yet, but I know it exists.
Whoever he is, I’m not as open to the idea of him as I am to Beth.