Page 111 of Wanted Beta

“Enzo will be happy to hear you like it.”

“I don’t just like it. I love it. I want to marry it.”

Jack chuckles as he walks away.

Gio smiles at me from across the table.

“So, the food doesn’t need any work?”

“Oh, hell no, and you know it doesn’t.”

He laughs. “I know. It’s just nice to hear someone else say it.”

I finish the starter plate and put my fork down.

“That was … I don’t even have words.”

“Everything Enzo makes is that good.”

“I have no doubt. If this place were more visible, there’s no way this restaurant would ever be this empty. In fact, you guys are going to be run off your feet the instant people know about it.”

“That’s what we were hoping for when we opened,” Gio admits.

“It’s going to happen,” I promise him.

If I have anything to do with it, this place is going to be the busiest, most talked about restaurant in the city.

Chapter Forty-Nine


Jack steps into the kitchen and puts his empty tray down on the counter. He leans back against the wall and lets out a soft sigh. He looks happier than I’ve seen him in a while.

“She’s going to be so good for us.”

He sounds certain, and I don’t doubt that statement.

Fated mates are drawn together by destiny for a reason.

“Have you stolen Arrow’s intuition?” I tease anyway, because it’s nice to see him looking so pleased and I want him to keep his smile.

He shakes his head slowly. “I don’t need it. I don’t need Alpha’s instinct for that, either. I can see the effect she’s having on Gio. He’s way more focused and present right now. It’s like she’s waking him up just by being here.”

“That’s good to know,” I admit.

Gio’s been kind of lost lately, and none of us have been able to find a way to help him.

Taking his phone away when he slips and goes back to gambling hasn’t been stopping that habit, it’s only been forcing him to go gamble in person at casinos.

“You’re sure we can’t tell her she’s ours?” Jack asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Gio doesn’t think she’s ready for that,” I remind him. “He’s spent the most time with her.”

“Yeah, but she’s made for us. Shouldn’t that mean …”

“It means we’ll be together forever, once we’re together. We don’t have to rush things.”

I plate up the ravioli I made for Gio and put the plate down on Jack’s tray.