Page 5 of Wanted Beta

It’s a familiar thought, but at least this time it’s not because he broke my heart.

Chapter Two


Ispend the afternoon alternating between looking at my class work and trying to decide if using Catherine’s exercise bike is a smart idea. Considering the contents of her kitchen and the fact that I only had fruit for lunch, I decide against using the bike. I don’t want to make myself any hungrier before my sister gets home.

I’m already halfway to hangry.

Studying doesn’t hold my attention once I sit down to give it a real try.

One cracked course book and it takes less than a paragraph of a chapter for my eyes to glaze over and my mind to begin to wander.

Letting out a sigh, I slap the book closed.

It’s not like the course is particularly challenging.

Whatever I’ve missed, I’ll catch up with later, when it’s absolutely necessary.

A tempting thought enters my head as I get up and put my books on top of the dresser.

I could just not go back to class.

The thought makes me smile, even if I know it’s pure fantasy.

I picked my degree based on how taxing it would be to complete.

There’s only one problem with that plan.

Easy is boring.

I’m basically sleepwalking my way through my classes, so, of course, the thought of breaking away from the monotony is thrilling.

Then, reality kicks in, and I know I can’t quit the course.

My parents worked hard to make sure me and my sisters could all go to college.

They’d be bitterly disappointed if I threw all the sacrifices they made back at them by quitting.

I know I surprised them when I agreed to apply to college.

It made them so proud once I told them what course I was going to apply to study.

Their initial shock melted into elation quickly enough that any doubts I’d had disappeared as if they’d never existed. My choice was made.

There’s no turning back now.

I’m going to finish my degree and become a librarian.

No matter how boring it is, I can do it, and I will.

I’m not the flaky, class-skipping dumbass I was in high school.

I know I need to be responsible and get myself a good job out in the real world.

The average Beta needs to rely on herself, and I fully intend to be self-reliant.

Right at this moment though, I don’t need to study so I’m not going to.