Page 26 of Wanted Beta

My instincts can be good, I’ll admit, but I don’t see how that makes me part Alpha.

I don’t have any Alpha blood in my family tree, and it’s been traced back pretty far.

I think my Omega mate just enjoys flattering me, which is as fun for me as it is for him, so I’m never going to tell him to stop.

Thinking about him makes me want to head back to the restaurant, but as close as I was to heading back there before I crossed paths with that blonde, I don’t think it’s a smart idea now.

Even if I was done handing out flyers for the morning.

My bag might almost be empty, but I can swing by the copy centre and get more flyers printed if I head back into the city’s centre.

Maybe by the time I’ve got the copies made, that strange little encounter will be off my mind.

I don’t want to go back home while she’s lingering in my thoughts.

Arrow’s much too perceptive. He’ll know something’s up, and I won’t know what to tell him.

I don’t have the words to explain how I’m feeling.

I’ve always known I was bi, so I know it’s not down to some sudden realization that I’m also into women. If there’s anything I can compare it to, it’s how I felt when I met Arrow.

Which seems kind of fucked up.

Arrow’s my true mate.

That bond, that connection, we both felt was special.

It meant something. It brought us together.

We both knew what it meant.

This … I don’t know what it means, and I don’t like that.

I guess it’s possible she’s an Omega, and I could sense that from her, somehow.

That doesn’t feel right, but it’s the only answer I can think up that makes any kind of sense.

I make my way to the copy place, keeping my eyes open on the way there.

If I happen to bump into her again while I’m out here, I’ll see if I can find out who she is.

The sooner I can get her out of my mind the better.

I know the only way to do that is to find out more.

Whoever she is, and whatever that means for my pack, I need to know.

Chapter Ten


We pass a ton of stores inside the mall before I realize Catherine is on a singular mission here. We’re headed straight to the candy store, and then I’m guessing we’ll be going to the food court for lunch before we go back to her place. Boring. I might not have a lot of spare cash to spend, but a little look around a couple of clothes stores is always fun either way.

“Don’t you need to get anything?” I ask as I catch up to my fast-walking sister.

“Um, what?” she asks, slowing down now that I’ve distracted her from her task.

“A new skirt-suit for work, or a purse, or … something?” I ask, as we pass a store with bright orange and pink suits in the window display.