Page 116 of Wanted Beta

I can tell she’s really into my Alpha by how she looks at him, and I see the way she looks at me, like she can’t quite believe I’m real. It’s a little like how Jack looked at me when we first met, and the echo of that memory makes me smile.

“Great. I can’t wait to see what you do with this place.”

She blushes a bit at that, and I realize her nerves are at least partly down to the fact that she’s been given a job to do. “I’ll do everything I can to make sure this place is a success. It deserves to be packed every day.”

“That’ll be awesome,” I admit. “I can’t wait.”

“I’m giving Beth a tour around the restaurant before I take her home,” Gio explains.

Damn. She’s barely been here for an hour and she’s already leaving.

I guess at least she’ll be back since she said yes to the job.

“Well, come spend some time at the front desk tomorrow,” I offer. “I have some ideas if you’re thinking about changing this area.”

Gio gives me a warning look. “You have some ideas?”

“I’ve been thinking about it since Jack told us what Beth’s initial ideas were,” I defend myself. “It’s not like I’ve been standing here watching us sink without wishing I could do something about it sooner.”

“That sounds great,” Beth says quickly. “I’ll spend some time with each of you. It’ll help me to compile the list of things we need to change and in what order they should be done.”

Gio nods slowly. “Okay. Great.”

He takes her hand, and she chews on her bottom lip.

He’s been doing that, and she’s not sure she should be letting him, I think.

Probably because he hasn’t tried to ask her out, and we’ve made the decision not to tell her she’s our mate, for now. I still think that’s a bad idea, and she’s going to be really fucking confused if we don’t tell her soon.

“It’s this way to the office,” Gio says, leading her by the hand.

She goes with him, smiling at me as they walk by the desk to get to the other side and the corridor with the restaurant’s bathrooms, and the back office that Gio barely even uses.

His laptop with the accounts stuff on it is upstairs in the apartment.

I suppose the safe with the petty cash and the check book is still in there though.

I sink back into my bent forward, staring out the windows position.

And that’s when something strange happens.

Someone’s out there, leaning against the wall of the nearest building, staring right back at me.

A tall guy I’ve never seen before. Dark clothes, slim to average build.

I move out from behind the desk and step closer to the window to get a better look.

My stomach starts to flutter as I look at him through the glass.

He’s staring at the building, not me. He can’t see me.

But I can see him, and I can feel what he means to me deep in my gut.

“True mate number five exists,” I murmur.

Chapter Fifty-Three
