“The carbonara starter will be with you in a few minutes. Would you like more time, or are you ready to order your main courses?”
“I think I need to go with pizza,” Beth says, nodding. “I’ll try the spicy vegetarian one.”
She closes her menu and passes it to Jack.
“Thanks,” she murmurs, her gaze lingering on him.
It’s possible she’s never considered becoming part of a pack.
Most don’t. It’s not something that anyone usually seeks out.
It always seems to happen more organically than that, at least for the packs that last.
Maybe that’s what she’s not quite ready for.
Multiple lovers.
It can be a shock to the system. I was not prepared for Jack when he came along.
I was used to sharing Arrow with Enzo, but it took a little time to get used to being shared.
The fact that Jack has that streak of Alpha dominance in him was a big surprise.
Alphas are used to taking the lead in bed.
Having a Beta come along and turn everything upside down the way he did, well it was not expected. It made me realize it’s not always a bad thing to let someone else be in control.
“What are you thinking?” Beth asks.
I snap out of my thoughts, and I realize Jack is waiting with an amused smile on his lips.
I can’t tell Beth what I was actually thinking about, but that wasn’t what she was asking.
“I’ll have the ravioli.” I pass the unopened menu back to my Beta.
“Good choice,” he says, before he leaves us alone again.
Chapter Forty-Eight
This was such a bad idea. Whether or not the job sounds amazing, these guys are too damn delicious to be around. Arrow’s as supernaturally gorgeous as ever, Gio’s showing his humorous side, and Jack is being an attentive waiter which is basically my Kryptonite.
What the hell was I thinking, coming here today?
I’m so thirsty I’m in danger of drowning in my own saliva.
These men are too perfect to be real.
They’re also not available, Beth.
I have got to remember that.
They’re a pack.
I’m an outsider.
We’re like oil and water.