“Yeah. It’s hitting just right,” he replies.
I hear the sounds of Dax and Lyka gathering up the fishing gear. They walk over and sit beside me on the log. “You’ve been such a good girl today,” Dax murmurs. His lips touch my neck, making me quiver.
Lyka’s hands travel up and down my thighs, applying firm pressure. His strokes are slow and soothing against my skin. Everything feels amplified because I’m high. Dax’s kisses move up my neck to my jawline, each one teasing me.
“You like this, don’t you, flower?”
“Mhmm,” I groan.
Lyka’s hand glides higher. “Why don’t we have a little fun?” he whispers. He looks at Dax as silent communication passes between them.
They suddenly rise from the log, looming over me with their smirks, unsettling and ominous. “Me and Dax are gonna give you just one chance for freedom,” he says, holding up a single finger as if to punctuate the heft of the opportunity.
This has to be a cruel joke. A twisted, evil prank? Humiliate me further? Or could it be a genuine chance to escape this nightmare?
“If you can run to the other side of the lake to the fishing cabin, without us catching you–” Dax explains.
“Yeah?!” I interrupt loudly. A surge of disbelief washes over me.
They share a knowing look and cross their arms. “We will let you go,” Lyka declares.
I glance around. Behind them, the cabin looms, promising freedom. Would it be possible to make it…without them catching me?
“You said you’d never let me go…If this is some sinister game, you’ve won already,” I state with a concerned look on my face.
“Hey, flower, if you wanna stay, just say so…” Dax says with sarcasm.
“No, no. Just pinky swear this isn't some cruel trick?”
Dax extends his pinky toward me, his face serious. “Pinky swear,” he mouths silently. I twist my pinky finger with his.
“What happens if you catch me?” I manage to ask, swallowing hard against the lump in my throat.
“You’ll see…” Lyka replies with a chilling smile. “We will give you a head start. As soon as you pass that boulder, that's when we start chasing you,” he says, motioning to the massive boulder at the lake's edge. I take quick breaths while my chest heaves up and down. The lake stretches out before me. Every instinct urges me to run, to take this slim chance at freedom.
I stand there and a thousand thoughts cross my mind.
Can I trust them? Is this really my way out? Or will it lead to more pain and punishment?
I feel a rush of adrenaline course through me. I decide. I take a deep breath and brace myself. My eyes flicker from Dax to Lyka, then over their shoulders to the cabin.
Without a word, I start sprinting. My feet pound against the earth as I race past that looming boulder. I push myself towards the distant sanctuary, the fishing cabin, and pray that this time, maybe, I’ll make my way back to freedom. I don’t look back to see if Dax and Lyka are on my trail. My heart is thumping with fear and desperate hope. I don’t hear anything else around me. My tears blur my vision, but I push forward with all my might. In front of me, the cabin looms closer and closer. I can taste freedom. Just as victory seems within my grasp, I feel a weight come crashing down hard on me from behind. I am knocked forward and my body thumps sickeningly onto the ground.
“Nooo! Nooo!” I cry out.
I’m flipped over and Dax hovers over me. his chest is heaving. My eyes blur with tears and I can hardly understand the cruel reality unfolding in front of me. A mocking laughter comes from Dax and all my hopes of freedom are shattered. I am too out of breath to fight. I lie there defeated.
“What happened, flower? I thought you wanted freedom,” Dax taunts, out of breath.
I look over Dax's shoulder and see Lyka standing there, catching his breath. “You really thought you could outrun the Faulkner brothers…”
“I hate you!” I scream, feeling the first rise of any emotion besides numbness in three weeks.
Dax moves one of his hands to my waistband and slips it under my panties. “Your pussy says differently. Hate us? Then why are you so wet…” Dax asks, rubbing his fingers down the slit of my pussy.
My one chance of freedom is gone. I was a fool even to think I could outrun two muscular men.
Dax removes his hand from my pussy and gets off me.