Page 86 of Cedarwood Cabin

“Yeah, that’s not going to happen. Lyka seems to like the idea of you pregnant,” Dax states with a sinister tone.

I feel a surge of panic wash over me. I pray to God they have weak sperm.

“You wanna try painting today?” Dax offers. “That cheers you up.”

“Fuck off.”

I want to be left alone and disappear into my mind's black hole. Doing anything joyous right now seems impossible.

Dax leaves the bedroom without saying a word. I let out a deep breath and pull the covers tighter around me.

I abruptly wake up, feeling Dax shaking my shoulder. “Dinner’s ready,” he states while uncuffing me from the bed. I follow him to the kitchen; my body throbs and aches with each step. I look around and can’t see Lyka.

“Where is Lyka?”

“He’s in the barn working on something. He said he’ll eat later.”

“It better not be any more wooden toys.”

I feel too weak to act defiant. I sit on the stool and let out a noise of discomfort as my ass makes contact with the surface.

Dax pushes a bowl towards me. I look down and see a type of stew.

“It’s venison stew,” he says.

“Did you kill the deer yourself?”

Dax nods, his eyes flicking to mine for a second before he looks away. I take the spoon and start eating. The stew tastes excellent. It is probably the best meal I’ve eaten in days.

“Don't suppose you have any wine?” I query.

“I’ll check the pantry. Stay here.”

Dax gets up, walks to the panty, returns with a bottle of red wine, then pours me a glass.

I take a sip, tasting the smooth, rich wine on my tongue. We eat and drink in silence. I begin to feel my muscles relax as the alcohol takes effect.

“So what is Lyka working on then?” I ask, breaking the silence.

“I don’t really know. Lyka likes to keep busy.”

We continue to chat, a strange normality settling over us. I keep taking sips of my wine. As we finish our meals, Dax seems visibly more relaxed. I’m halfway through the bottle of wine and my head starts feeling a little light.

Dax and I make our way to the living room where he drops down onto the couch with a beer. I settle next to him, clutching my glass of wine.

I set my wine glass on the floor beside my feet, careful not to spill it. As I look around, my eyes land on a stereo with music CDs. I walk over and inspect the music.

Dax takes a sip from his beer. “Ah, that's all my mother’s music,” he states.

My eyes skim and I recognize many of the artists my own mother loved. A pang of bittersweet memory hits me, but I push it down. I select a CD that stands out to me and insert it into the stereo. As the music starts to play, the familiar melody fills the room. I let myself get lost in the music as my hips sway. I feel a sliver of happiness, something I haven't felt in a while.

Dax watches me with a mixture of curiosity and something deeper, almost tender.

As I dance, it feels almost like a normal evening for just a moment, as if two people are sharing a simple pleasure.


I hear music as I start walking toward the cabin. The beat and words of the music are muffled through the walls, but I pop my head in to see Flora dancing around the living room. Dax is on the couch, his beer in hand, watching her with a sort of bemused expression. I enter the cabin, locking the door behind me. Dax looks over to me, shaking his head with a laugh, and walks over.