Page 44 of Firefly

He didn’t bother opening his mouth, knowing no words would leave his lips if she were within hearing distance.

As she moved up the stairs, he listened, Sarah giggling at her side. They talked of their late-night adventures and their latest catch.

He smiled to himself as Sarah chattered incessantly about June bugs and their mating habits. Her sentences ran together, and she hardly stopped for breath as she changed subjects.

“Do you think our fireflies are still alive?”

“Only one way to find out,” Rebecca said.

Her voice was like music, capturing his soul and setting it fluttering. He would never grow tired of it. He strained to hear them as they reached Rebecca’s room and closed the door.

Invisible bindings released him; he left the room, moving into the now-empty hall.

Three nights of pacing halls and staring blankly at nothing had reminded him that he should be focused on helping Rebecca escape her father. That began with raising enough money for her to leave.

Returning to his room, he reached under his desk for his hidden box and pulled it free. He withdrew the money he’d saved before he left for Europe and stuffed it in his pocket. One hundred dollars wasn’t enough for anyone to live on. Once she had enough to set herself up somewhere, he could bring her more.

He picked up his hat and coat and left, stepping into the hall.

Thea jumped back. “I’m so sorry.”

“It was my fault,” he said, sliding the hat onto his head. He moved to step around her.

“Wait. I have something for you. I was just coming to leave it in your room.” She held out a folded piece of paper. “Rebecca thought you were out.”

“I’m just leaving. Please tell her—” He pursed his lips. “Nevermind. Have a good evening.”

Thea’s forehead creased, but she nodded, leaning into the wall as he passed.

He reached the foyer and tore the letter open.


I know you must be on one of Father’s errands. I pray this one does not take you away from us for another year, but know I’ll wait. I’ll wait as long as my body allows.

I hope we will meet, but should your time away extend beyond my limited time remaining, please know that I love you. I have only ever loved you, and I will carry you with me to whatever awaits after.

I pray we will be reunited one day, whether in this life or the next. And although you’ve only been gone three days, I fear I must write this down. One never knows how much time they truly have. You may think me selfish, but if there’s one thing I’ve learned as a mother, it’s that you must face your fears and plan for all eventualities.

With this in mind, I ask that you promise me to look after Sarah. Thea is wonderful, and Sarah adores her, but only you know what my father is capable of. Only you can protect her from him.

I hope you return and we escape this place together, but in case my fate is imminent, I’m leaving this letter in hopes you’ll never have to read it. But if you do, please do more for Sarah than I did for myself. Don’t let my father use her as he used all of us.

With all my love,


Simon folded the letter, sliding it into his pocket. A tear slid down his cheek. She was giving up, but he wouldn’t. His soul was lost; his life ended. All that mattered was helping Rebecca and Sarah.

He opened the door, stepping out into the night.

He would do what he must to ensure they were safe.

Chapter 34


Rebecca rubbed tired eyes and yawned. She’d woken less than an hour ago and already wished to crawl back into her bed. It had been two weeks since Simon had returned and nearly the same amount of time since she’d seen him.