My face flames.
I clear my throat and shove the car door open. “Time to go in.”
Their laughter follows me.
You’ve gone quiet.
I was giving you space.
Seems like you might need more of it lately, with your entourage.
Don’t do that. Please.
What? You’ve got, by my count, three guys drooling over you.
You sound jealous.
Maybe I am.
Maybe I just want you to figure out who I am.
That’s not fair… I have tried.
You didn’t try very hard when I broke into your room and fucked you.
Some part of you likes not knowing, hmm?
I don’t know what to say to that.
Say it’s the truth.
Or I’ll just disappear.
Fuck you.
I don’t know what’s crawled up your ass, but I’ve been a little distracted lately. Sorry that I haven’t texted you or—or whatever you expect from me.
Did you want me to take it up with the gossip column? Maybe I should dox your information, see how you like being inundated.
Why won’t you just admit it?
There’s a part of you that liked being taken by a stranger. By not seeing his face. MY face. I bent you over your desk and I left my cum in your ass, nice and plugged. Your guys probably found you wet and needy, hmm?
They can thank me for that if you ever figure out who I am.
I do want to know…
Uh-huh. Should I give you another chance?
Maybe you should.
Where are you?