“Just as the FSU hockey team arrived.”
“Minus Ollie,” Penn says. “Obviously.”
“So eventually, I saw reason,” Carter concludes. “But we stayed and watched the melee until the cops were called.”
“Because who doesn’t like to spectate?” Penn laughs. “It wasn’t just me—you were watching, too.”
“I’m not disagreeing.”
“Fighting gets our blood hot.”
I roll my eyes.
“And then we got your voicemail,” Penn says. “That kind of killed the mood.”
“Well, I’m glad you rode in to save the day,” Carter mutters. “Although I’m sure I’ll hear about it from the guys tomorrow. That I got a heads-up or bailed or… something along those lines.”
I take his hand. “I’m glad you didn’t get beat up.”
He stares at me, then huffs. “I can hold my own, dream girl.”
“Yeah, yeah.” I glance at Penn. “You both can, but then I’d be dealing with two injured guys.”
“And that would definitely steal my limelight,” Oliver says.
Soon enough, we’re pulling into Oliver’s driveway. I hop out and hurry up the walkway, easily picking out the fake rock with the key in it. I unlock the door and turn around, only to find the three of them staring at me.
Oliver’s smiling, but the others are just confused.
“Thief,” Oliver teases.
I nearly faint from shock. As it is, I don’t want to be the center of attention. I just open the door and stand aside for them to maneuver Oliver in. Not that he really needs help walking… in fact, he seems to be more disgruntled that they’re helping at all.
Or hovering.
I almost laugh to myself, but I refrain. He’ll get used to them being insufferable soon enough. It’s nice to have something to focus on other than myself.
We go into the living room, Penn and Carter claiming the individual chairs and leaving the couch for Oliver and me. I glance at him, then away. Because how fucking awkward is this?
“I don’t have to stay,” I blurt out.
Oliver lowers himself down, but his eyes bug out at my words. Not the pain.
“You’re staying,” he bites out.
“I could go.” I tip my head toward the door. “You know, if you don’t want me here.”
“Why wouldn’t I want you here?”
Penn rises. “I’m going to get a drink. Carter?”
“Yeah,” Carter mutters. “Right behind you.”