“Stop,” he orders. “Stop being careless. Stop thinking that anyone at FSU gives a shit about you. They’re going to use you?—”
“Fuck off! Like you’re not using me for something?”
“The only thing I want to use is your mouth,” he snaps.
I straighten.
The thought of Carter Masters fucking my mouth does something to me. Something hot and wonderful and surprising. And it’s probably because we’ve only ever done vanilla things, right?
“If you want it, take it.” The words are out before my brain can stop them.
His gaze darkens. “Don’t ask if you don’t?—”
“Carter.” I appraise him. “You scared of hurting me?”
He approaches me like I’m a wild animal. He winds his hand around the back of my neck. His frozen fingers raise goosebumps down my spine and the backs of my arms. I don’t even care that his fingers dig into the bruise. In fact, it grounds me.
“I just don’t want to scare you.”
I grip his wrist. “Be honest with me about something.”
He raises his eyebrow. “I will.”
“Did you only date me because Scarlett told you to?”
“No. She may have highlighted you, but it was my decision where we went from there.”
“And now…”
“She’s not my type, if that’s what you’re asking.” His gaze darkens. “You’re my type.”
Am I that insecure? There are three guys who seem to want to be in my orbit, and I just don’t see the appeal.
“My tastes run darker than we’ve ever gone.” His thumb moves under my ear. “There’s something in me that wants you to break, Sydney. That wants you to bleed for me.”
Desire pulses between my legs.
He closes his eyes. “Fuck.”
“That’s the idea.” I squeeze his wrist. “Fuck me.”
He pulls away. “Not like this.”
“Not when I ask for it?”
“Not when you see me coming.”
He steps back, his gaze dark enough to make me want to drop to my knees right now.
Fuck is right. Because now I’m a hot mess. He turns on his heel and leaves me standing in the middle of my apartment. I lock the door behind him and make a beeline for my room, rifling through my bottom drawer for my vibrator.
And I spend the next hour making myself come.
Brandon picks me up. Dylan and Maddy are already in the car, decked out in purple FSU gear. I’m wearing the hockey sweatshirt my dad got for me, although I lifted Penn’s necklace to hang on the outside.