Now that I’m gone, and Scarlett is clearly anti-Sydney, is she going to try and have her way with him? That would be fucked up.

Luckily, my phone goes off and saves me from replying to the girl.




My heart does this weird little skip.

It’s ridiculous that I react this way, when I don’t even know who I’m talking to.

I click on the link. It opens to the damn FSU gossip page, and there’s some write-up about me wearing a certain FSU player’s sweatshirt at the game. Which means Sydney Windsor is officially Team Viper.


They work fast, at least.


Jeez, if that’s all it took to fix my image…

Wait. If this is the fucking magic talisman Penn joked about giving me, then it was in his damn car the whole time.

What the fuck, Penn?

Obviously it was a ruse to get me into the locker room. To get me in a compromising position…

At least, in the end, we traded. He kept my shirt. I keep this and start wicked rumors about us.


Whose are you wearing?

You can’t be jealous if I don’t know who you are.

I’m not.


It’s coming across a little… envious.

Mere curiosity.

And I want to know how you got it.

You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

So I don’t tell him. I stash my phone and cross my arms over my chest, trying desperately not to think about how Penn’s going to react to me stealing more than one thing from him.

A sweatshirt is one thing, but the cash burning a hole in my pocket?

The players restart.

FSU scores again.
