Page 77 of Kept By The Agents

"Z, this is our girl, Catalina," Drew said, introducing us.

"Hi, you can call me Cat," I offered.

"It's nice to meet you," she said, warmth in her tone. The guys were right. I didn't sense an ounce of judgment from her.

"You too." I looked around. "Do you know everyone here?"

"Almost," she said. "There's a few who I just met today."

"So these get togethers aren't common?"

"Sometimes," she replied. "But today is so that we can all meet you."

"Joy," I muttered, then widened my eyes. "I'm so sorry! I'm so glad to meet everyone-"

"But it's a lot," she said with a laugh. "I get it." She cocked her head. "Are you having a hard time coming to grips with the relationship?"

I narrowed my eyes on her. "Are you a psychic?"

She threw her head back and laughed. "No, but I'm a CIA analyst. It's sort of my job to pay attention and read between the lines." She sobered and gave me a serious look. "I'm happy to answer any questions you may have."

"I'm a journalist," I told her. I'd just taken a job at the local newspaper so I'd dropped the conflict part of my title. It was the only way I could get the guys to let me go back to work. They'd nearly lost their shit when I said I was going to continue with conflict journalism. They hadn't let me leave our bed in days. Of course, they were rather persuasive.

"We're going to be great friends," she declared, looping her arms through mine. "No one will tell me anything 'cause of my job."

I grinned, knowing she was right. We were going to end up being close. I just knew it. "So...about those questions," I said, hesitating.

"Fire away."

"Who's the baby daddy?" I slapped a hand over my mouth. That hadn't been the question I was planning to ask.

Her laughter caused some of the guys Drew had pointed out as hers to look over. They smiled and went back to talking.

"Oh my God," I whispered. "I'm so sorry. Sometimes my mouth speaks without my brain's permission."

"It's okay!" she chuckled. "I'm the same way. Which is why I'm now positive we're going to be best friends. To answer your question, we don't know. We don't check because all of them are going to be the fathers."

I smiled over at her as we walked and peppered her with questions. She answered each of them, without getting offended. By the time we'd made our third lap around the perimeter of the yard, I was beginning to relax. All these couples were making this lifestyle work. And my guys were already all in. Hell, so was I. There was no way I could leave them now. I loved them too much.

But talking with Zinnia was setting all my fears at ease. I knew we were going to make this work, and my family would either get on board or not. But no matter what, I'd have my three CIA Agents to fall back on. They'd be there any time I needed them. We'd build a life together. A family. And they'd come running whenever I was in trouble. I was sure it'd happen again at some point. Like Suave liked to say, I was a shit magnet.

But no matter what happened in the future, the four of us would face it together.
