Page 54 of The Forbidden

I shake my head. “She’s in trouble.” Christ, this is hard… I don’t even know where to start, but I can’t seem to start with the most important thing—that I love her. Instead, I launch into the story from the beginning, talking at breakneck speed to get it all out because every minute delay is another minute that Kat is sitting there in terror. “My dad was apparently gambling and bet a very rare case of bourbon in a game of poker. He lost and the man who held the marker sent some goons to try to collect from my dad. Except, it’s not his bourbon to give. It belongs to the company, so they came to me for collection and I refused. But they want to force my hand, so they kidnapped Kat tonight—”

“What the ever-loving fuck?” Ethan yells at me, both of his hands going to my chest and he shoves me viciously backward.

I take the stumble but correct myself, eyeing him warily. Every other Blackburn plus Marcie rise from the table in alarm. “If I take the bourbon to him, he’ll let Kat go. I’m on my way right now to get it, but I had to let you know what was going on. They said she’s safe and unharmed and they’ll let her go as soon as I bring them the case.”

Fiona takes a step forward, her voice soft and surprisingly calm. “I don’t understand… why would they be takin’ Kat?”

“And why would that matter to you?” Tommy says, his voice sounding like barely contained violence as he comes to stand beside his wife.

“Because we’re seeing each other,” I say, holding Tommy’s gaze. Say what you want about her having three overprotective brothers, it’s her father I owe the explanation to.

“Bullshit,” Wade says with a wave of his hand, not believing such a thing could happen.

I don’t have an opportunity to convince him because there’s a blur of movement and then Trey crashes into me. He drives me into the wall but I manage to brace against him so the impact isn’t too hard. His fist rears back as I grab a handful of his shirt, preparing to return the hit, but then we’re being pulled apart.

Tommy and Wade each have one of Trey’s arms and Ethan puts a restraining hand against my chest.

Trey’s face is red with rage. “I’m going to kick your ass for even thinking you’re good enough to breathe the same air as Kat.”

“Get over yourself, asshole,” I bark at him. “Kat is being held against her will in some strange place and she must be terrified. You can try to kick my ass after we get her back, but I have to go now. I just wanted to tell you what was going on.”

“We should call the police,” Marcie suggests.

“No!” I shake my head. “They warned me not to involve the police and if I did, not only would Kat be hurt, but they’d come after Sylvie. I don’t know if it’s a bluff, but I’m not risking it. I’m taking the bourbon to them and they said they’d release her.”

“I’m coming with you,” Ethan says.

“Me too,” Wade grunts, letting go of Trey’s arm.

“Fuck if you’re leaving me behind,” Trey adds, his eyes glacial as they lock onto me.

“And I’m going too,” Tommy says.

“I figured you’d all want to come but someone needs to stay here with Sylvie,” I say, turning to face Tommy. I have a feeling he’s going to be the decision maker. “My suggestion is Ethan comes with me and everyone else stay here with Sylvie.”

“I don’t like this,” Fi says, her hands wringing. “Maybe we should consider the police.”

I struggle to remain calm, forcing myself to take a breath and I soften my voice. “Mrs. Blackburn… please don’t risk Kat’s life like that. Their instructions are clear and I’m gladly willing to give up that bourbon. If that gets Kat back safe and keeps Sylvie safe, that’s what we need to do.”

“I agree,” Ethan says, and his brothers nod, although Trey makes a show of cracking his knuckles. Not sure if that’s for me or Kat’s kidnappers. “Where’s the bourbon?”

“In secured storage at the distillery. It won’t take me but a minute to get it and then I’ve been texted an address in Louisville to take it.”

“Then I suggest you get going,” Tommy says.

“You should bring weapons,” Wade suggests.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” I had considered it myself but quickly abandoned it. “I really think all the man wants is the bourbon and then it will be over.”

I don’t dare tell them I was sent a photo of Kat blindfolded with a gun to her head.

“Are you sure?” Ethan asks with worry. “Because I don’t want to go to a gun fight without a gun.”

“Yeah… I mean, I’m pretty sure.”

Trey launches himself at me again but his dad and Wade intercept him. He screams at me over their shoulders. “You better be sure, asshole. That’s my sister’s life.”

“Weapons won’t be needed,” I grit out.