With a frustrated sigh, I pull out my phone and dial my mother. When she answers, I can tell she’s distressed. “Gabe, I’m so glad you called. A man just came to see your father. They went into his office to talk and when he left, I found Lionel bleeding. The man punched him several times.”
“Did they threaten you?” I ask.
“No, why would they? What’s going on? Your father won’t tell me anything.”
Typical. But I’m grateful he never shared with her his plan to murder Sylvie. At this point, given her utter devotion to the man, I’m not so sure she wouldn’t have gone along with it.
I decide to fill her in on the truth. “Your husband has apparently bet the 1921 Shadow Reserve case of bourbon in a game of high-stakes poker. He lost and now they want payment.”
My mother scoffs in that imperious tone that only she can seem to carry. “That’s ridiculous. Your father doesn’t play poker. It’s such a crass game.”
“No offense, Mother, but I’m realizing these days that you don’t really know the man at all. I’m sure you thought he would never try to kill Sylvie either.”
My mother gasps, outrage in her tone. “He did not do that and it’s a horrible accusation you’ve made.”
There’s no sense trying to talk sense into her. “Mother… I’m telling you that you have attached yourself to somebody who does not deserve your loyalty. If I were you, I would hire some protection. That man might come back and he might bring others with him.”
I don’t wait for her response but hang up, knowing I’ve done the only duty I’m required to do for her.
I step through the glass doors back into the exhibit hall lobby. The crowd is now pouring back in from Freedom Hall and the liquor booths are filling up. This gala will go on for several more hours, people getting drunk as only Kentuckians can do when free bourbon is being offered.
I scan the crowd for Kat, looking for that formfitting and sexy-as-hell dress she’s wearing. The kiss we shared was scorching and while I don’t like the fact that she had a physical effect on me, I’m absolutely triumphant that she felt the same. I saw it in her eyes. That woman was wound tight when my mouth lifted from hers and I wonder if I could get her into bed. Maybe nothing more than a hookup, but it would definitely take the edge off.
I don’t see her, but there are a ton of gorgeous women around. Some I know, some I don’t, any one of them I could have in my bed tonight.
Sadly… horrifically… I realize it’s only Kat I want. She’s not only the sexiest woman I have ever been with, we’re cemented by the connection we once shared. For that glorious year, she was mine, and I have to admit it was the happiest time of my life. Losing her was the lowest.
But I’ve moved on and a hookup with the Hell Kat is a terrible idea. Besides, she’s just as likely to cut off my balls as she is to stroke them. I need to leave the idea of Kat Blackburn far behind.
I do the next best thing and head back to the Mardraggon booth to finish my drink, knowing I’m going to order another.
It’s not quite dusk as I pull up to Gabe’s sprawling new mansion, but every single interior light is turned on, as is the outdoor landscape lighting, making the house glow warmer than the sinking sun. The classic terra-cotta brick with stark white accents provide a sharp contrast to the early-evening hues of blue and pink. The front is framed by fluted columns rising from stone bases to support a gabled portico large enough to hold three cars side by side. I park on a herringbone pattern of brick paving as Sylvie leans forward in the passenger seat and practically shrieks. “Oh, wow… look at that house.”
I gave Gabe a lot of shit about buying something so grandiose, but one cannot deny its beauty. I can’t help but smile at Sylvie’s enthusiasm, as she’s been practically bouncing in the seat with excitement to see her uncle. The entire drive here, it’s been a running litany of chatter filling the car. If I had to name an emotion I’m feeling right now, regrettably, I’m looking forward to seeing Gabe and I have no clue why. I’m still angry that he kissed me three nights ago at the gala.
I have to remind myself that I am here to discuss business. There are only two things relevant to this visit—for Sylvie to see her uncle, who is so important to her, and for Gabe to go over an offer by an investor to fund the expansion. Other than that, there should be nothing even remotely interesting to me and if anything, I should hate being around him.
My Jeep is barely in park before Sylvie’s tossing the door open and scrambling out. “Come on, Aunt Kat.”
I grin as I follow, thoroughly warmed by the way she calls me aunt. I’ve only held this title a few months now, but it’s opened inside me a love I never knew I could have for a child. I’ve never thought I’d make a particularly good mother, but Sylvie makes me rethink that. Granted, I work with kids on a daily basis, but teaching them how to ride horses doesn’t necessarily translate into maternal instincts.
Sylvie, however, makes me think otherwise because she’s so damn easy to love.
The door swings open before we make it onto the portico and there stands Gabe dressed casually in a pair of cargo shorts and a navy T-shirt. I haven’t seen him dress like this since our college days and he sure as hell looks boyish enough right now with a whip of his blond hair hanging over his forehead. His molten expression is guarded as his eyes come to me first and then warm with welcome when they land on Sylvie. She throws herself into his arms and he hugs her tightly.
“Your house is amazing,” Sylvie gushes, having seen nothing but the exterior at this point.
Chuckling, Gabe puts his arm around her shoulders and guides her inside without casting a backward glance at me. I know I’m invited to follow along because technically, I’m still a chaperone. Ethan’s not prepared to let Sylvie have alone time with her uncle quite yet.
I enter behind them, closing the door. Gabe leads his niece through the foyer into the formal living area. “I’ll give you the grand tour.”
Sylvie’s head swivels as she looks around the opulent room. She moves to the grand piano that sits atop the circular dais and touches a few of the keys. “If you want to continue lessons,” Gabe says to his niece, “I’ll be glad to set them up.”