Page 58 of The Forbidden

When Bellamy lurches upward and throws his fist, Gabe blocks the clumsy effort and delivers two rapid strikes, one to the kidney, another to the ribs, each hit precise and forceful. The thug cries out in pain, his body curling defensively. Gabe steps back, watching as the man struggles to maintain his footing and it would be a good time to walk away. But Gabe isn’t done.

With an almost gleeful look of determination, Gabe advances on Bellamy, now panting heavily, his face etched with misery and smeared blood. I watch astonished as Gabe throws a series of hard, fast punches, targeting the head and body, each strike delivered with fury and protectiveness. The man tries to retaliate, but his punches are slow, easy for Gabe to sidestep.

Finally, with a powerful right hook, Gabe sends the man crashing to the ground, unconscious. Standing over his fallen opponent, Gabe breathes heavily, his fists still ready, his body primed for more, but the fight is clearly over and I wonder if he feels vindicated in some way. I know that I didn’t mind watching, now that it’s all said and done.

Gabe reaches into his pocket and pulls out his watch. As he fastens it back on his wrist, his gaze moves to Rafferty. “I assume we’re done and that I won’t see your guys anymore.”

Rafferty smiles and steps forward, hand outstretched. “Pleasure doing business—”

“Fuck off,” Gabe growls and nods down at his man on the ground. “Or else I’ll put you right down beside him. If I see you or your men anywhere near me or mine, I’ll throw the full power of my empire behind destroying you.”

The smile slides from Rafferty’s face and he flushes red. With a curt nod, he says, “Understood.”

Gabe, Ethan and I stand still as Rafferty gets back in the Mercedes. The blond goon helps Bellamy up from the ground and they leave in the SUV. It’s only then that a long, pent-up breath is released and my shoulders sag.

“Let’s get you home,” Ethan says, his arm around my shoulders. He pulls me into his side protectively, guiding me toward the G Wagon, and I know he’s sending Gabe a message.

I pull free from my brother’s grasp and move to Gabe, who oddly hasn’t come near me. He stands with his hands loose at his sides but he looks like he’s ready to blow into a million pieces. I glance down, see blood on his knuckles and reach for them to inspect, but he steps back.

I shake my head, censure in my tone. “Don’t do that. Let me see your hands.”

“I almost got you killed,” he growls. “Not quite worried about my hands.”

Ethan steps forward, touches my shoulder. “Come on, Kat.”

“No,” I snap, rolling my shoulder so his hand’s thrown off. I step in close to Gabe, tipping my head to look up at him. “What was all this about?”

“Paying a debt my dad owed,” he grits out. “He bet a case of rare bourbon and I refused to give it to Rafferty. They took you, so yeah… my fault I almost got you killed.”

“You couldn’t have known they would kidnap me,” I scoff.

“Doesn’t matter,” Gabe says, heading around the front of the G Wagon. “Ethan’s right. Let’s get you home. Your family will want to see you.”

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know Gabe is riddled with guilt and while I want to have a long talk with him—to thank him for rescuing me and to work through his feelings—I can’t do it with Ethan in the car. I also don’t feel like getting into it with my brother as I know the inevitable argument will come about me seeing a Mardraggon. So I wait and bide my time.

The ride back to Shelbyville is utterly silent. Ethan chose the front seat, forcing me into the back, and as I sit on the passenger side, I study Gabe’s taut profile, his jaw locked in anger. His gaze seems a million miles away as he drives us home.

When we pull up to my family’s house, the door is flung open and everyone—except Sylvie who I assume is sleeping—pours out. Ethan texted them on the way home I was safe and next thing I know, I’m out of the vehicle and being passed around for hugs. It’s a whirlwind, being hugged, kissed, twirled and looked over critically by my mother who insists on getting ice on my face.

The sound of Gabe’s vehicle reversing gets my attention and I jerk away from my mom. Gabe is actually turning around to leave.

Without talking to me.

Without saying goodbye.

Without some type of explanation as to what happened, not just tonight but where we stand right now.

I run over to his SUV as he’s still in reverse, slamming my hands down on the hood to glare at him through the windshield. His expression is inscrutable as we engage in a staring contest.

“Just let him go,” Wade calls out, but I don’t budge an inch.

“It would be good fucking riddance,” Trey mutters.

“Don’t,” Ethan growls, and I jolt slightly at the anger in his tone, but I don’t take my eyes off Gabe. “He got Kat back safe at great cost to himself and on top of that, he kicked the shit out of the man who hit her.”

“Let’s go inside,” my father says and that surprises me. I would put him firmly on Team Hate Mardraggon with Trey and Wade. And despite how my dumbass brothers act all overprotective, it’s my dad Gabe should fear.

He’s letting me handle this on my own which doesn’t necessarily say he trusts me, but rather… he must trust Gabe to some extent. It’s probably sunk in the way it has with Ethan, that he went to great risk tonight. Probably personal expense too, as I have no clue what that case of bourbon was worth, but enough to warrant a kidnapping.