Page 16 of The Forbidden

I vaguely hear Trey yell, “Fuck!”

A few of the trainers shout as I come free of the saddle. I’m still twisting in the air as my feet hit the ground, the momentum preventing me from sticking the landing. My body goes flying and I crash onto my left side in the dirt with a jarring thud.

The air is knocked out of me but an immediate assessment of the lack of severe pain tells me I haven’t broken anything. I roll to my back, wheezing as I struggle to inhale oxygen while staring at the wooden beams of the barn’s vaulted roof. I trust Trey has Shadow in hand, which is the most important thing so he doesn’t hurt himself, and I just wait for my lungs to unfreeze.

My eyes widen in surprise when it’s Gabe Mardraggon’s face that appears first in my field of view, his expression fierce and angry. “What the fuck was that?” he snarls, before he asks, “Are you okay?”

I nod, still unable to talk but oh how I’d like to. I’d like to tell him to fuck off but I’m only at the panting stage of regaining my breath.

Gabe is physically pushed aside as Trey comes to crouch beside me, his eyes roaming my body as he takes everything in. A decided lack of tears, my inability to talk and no odd angles on my legs or arms. “Knock the breath out of you?” he asks.

I nod.

“Anything broken?”

I shake my head.

“Can you get up?”

I shrug.

Trey grins and rises, holding out his hand to me. I side lock my palm against his and when his grip is tight, I let him haul me up. The move is made much easier because to my surprise, Gabe’s hand goes around my arm to help lift me from the dirt.

Trey glares at Gabe. “Get your goddamn hands off her.”

“Make me,” Gabe replies, his amber eyes flashing with challenge.

I pull free from both men, brushing the dirt from my clothes. My left hip is sore and as I take a few steps, I can’t help the limp as I try to alleviate pressure off that side.

“You’re hurt,” Trey accuses.

“Sore,” I whisper, still willing my lungs to fully inflate. “I’m fine.”

My head swivels, taking in Shadow as one of the grooms holds on to his bridle. He’s shying back and forth and I jerk my head. “Go ahead and take him to his stall.”

The man nods and leads Shadow away, who continues to toss his head and prance with energy. He doesn’t look scared, merely spirited right now. I watch critically to make sure I don’t see any injury but he appears fine.

“I told you, you should have done this a different day,” Trey grumbles as I start walking toward the office. “He’s not ready.”

“He’s absolutely ready and I’m going to try again later tonight after I finish my work,” I mutter. I’m aware that Gabe is following us, as expected. He’s clearly here to talk business with me and thus, the reason I’m heading to the office rather than taking Shadow to his stall myself.

“No way you’re getting back on him again,” Trey says.

I stop mid-stride, turn to my brother and poke him in the chest. “Just knock it off already with the overly concerned brother routine.” I poke him again hard and lift to my tiptoes to get in his face. “It’s old and stupid. I’m qualified to do this job and there is no reason for me not to get right back on him. So stay out of my way.”

Trey holds out his hands in surrender and I hear Gabe snort in amusement behind me. I whirl to face him, taking pleasure that his eyes flare to have my displeasure aimed at him. “And you… what are you doing here? You can’t just show up without an appointment—I’m busy and my time is limited.”

“Apologies, Your Highness,” he replies with a mocking bow. “But I made changes to the trust agreement and I thought you might want to go over them.”

My mouth falls open in surprise because I didn’t think he’d do it. I’m immediately suspicious. “Exactly what changes were made?”

Gabe jerks his head toward the office. “I’ll be glad to tell you in private.”

“There’s nothing you would tell her that I can’t hear,” Trey growls, stepping to place himself by my side. He crosses his arms over his chest, a resolute glare on his face.

Gabe shakes his head. “It’s bad enough I have to deal with your sister but I’m not about to deal with you too.” His eyes then come to me, hard and unyielding. “If you want to learn about the changes, call me and we’ll set up a mutually convenient time to meet.”

I’m stunned when the irritating man walks past us toward the door that leads into the small office. He makes it three long strides before I’m moved to follow. “Gabe… wait a minute.”