"I'm sure the bar will be closed," Noelle mused.

"You're the manager," I reminded her. "Don't you get to make that call?"

"Well, yeah, sort of." She took a bite of pancakes soaked in syrup and chewed before finishing her answer. "I still have to call the boss, and I don't want to leave my employees without work if they’re counting on the money."

"You don't want them to risk their lives to come in, either. And I doubt the place is gonna be flush with customers."

"True." Noelle sighed. "I'll start a group text and see what everyone's thinking."

Liam had lost his sparkle the second I mentioned work and calling our families. He finished his breakfast in silence, looking troubled. I was worried about him. Our reality had always been our reality, and I'd always known that it was something Liam struggled with, but lately the struggle seemed to be taking more of a toll.

I stood and cleared the plates. "Let's get the unpleasant stuff out of the way first so we can take the rest of the day just for us without it hanging over our heads. You guys go do what you need to do while I clean up."

Out of the three of us, I had the least to do. My job as a real estate agent was flexible and all I needed to do was cancel a few upcoming appointments and open houses. I could easily pause work until after the holidays and not struggle. And my family would be sad, but they'd understand. Liam and Noelle might not be so lucky, on either front.

As their Daddy, I'd do my best to keep their spirits up and remind them how lucky we'd gotten to have a chance to spend the holidays together, guilt and drama free. Relatively, at least.

Chapter 3


Noelle bounded out of the bedroom, phone in hand, big smile on her face.

"Everyone is happy to have the time off, and nobody wants to try to drive in this crap for a few customers that might be crazy enough to straggle in,” she announced. "And my mom was sad, but she understands. They got hit with bad weather there, too, and they're about as prepared for it as we are."

Noelle's family lived in southern California, about a five hour drive from us. It was far enough away that she didn't have to see them often, and close enough that she could easily get there in an emergency if she needed to. Liam's family was the same distance in the opposite direction, and only mine lived on the opposite side of the country. Ironic, since I was the only one of us close enough to my family to want to visit them regularly.

"I hope they hold up okay, and I'm glad to hear work is being reasonable."

She came to stand by me, and I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, leaning my head against hers.

"How's Liam faring?"

"Not as good. His mama's laying on the guilt trip, and his bosses are stressing over end of the year data. I saw him popping antacids like they were candy."

I frowned and shook my head. "That boy's gonna end up with a bleeding ulcer if he's not careful."

"It's not his fault, Daddy. He just has yucky family and a stupid boss and hates the idea of letting anyone down."

"I know it's not his fault, little one. I'm just worried about him. When we were all younger and our relationship was new, it made sense to keep it on the down low and be discreet. Having separate holidays and not sharing our personal lives at work made sense, but he and I have been together five years, and you've been with us for three. We're not kids in our twenties anymore."

"Hey! Speak for yourself!" Noelle giggled. She was twenty-nine, at least for a few more days.

"You know what I mean. I'm not happy living our lives in the shadows. I want to settle down and make things official and maybe start a family someday. I think Liam knows that, and is worried he's holding me back."

"Would you… break up with him to have those things?"

"Never." I shook my head decisively, having already pondered the subject at length. "If this is what made Liam happy and fulfilled and he was at peace with it, I'd make my peace and just be happy to have both of you. But Liam's not happy, and he's not at peace, and that's what bothers me."

"Yeah." Noelle sighed. "I see it, too. I just don't know what to do about it."

Liam came out of the bedroom then, looking defeated.

"How did it go?" I asked the question even though I was sure I already knew the answer.

"I don't want to talk about it. It is what it is. Let's decorate." He forced a smile but the light was gone from his eyes. I decided not to push the issue.

Noelle looked like she still wanted to, but I nudged her and shook my head, shooting her a warning look.