Gloria held Mina's elbow as she shuffled into Sean's house. She was still sore, the poor girl. A broken rib, bruises everywhere, but she was tough. Mina stood in the middle of the living room and looked around.
She turned and looked into her dad's eyes. "We can make this better."
He grinned. "Maybe after you feel better, we'll talk about it."
"But Dad, I think we can..."
He chuckled and shook his head. "Mina, girl, if it helps you get better to plan what you want to do with my house, you go right ahead. I don't have a problem with it at all. As you can see, I don't have a style. So do your best."
"Really? That's awesome, Dad."
Gloria chuckled. "Why don't you sit down before you fall down? Let's get you comfortable. Do you need something to eat?"
"Not yet, Mom. I just ate not long ago, and I'd like to just actually chill for a few minutes. Moving that little bit has tired me out."
"Yeah. It'll take you a bit to get your strength back. Why don't you sit in the recliner, and I'll get some water. I think I saw some fruit in the kitchen. I'll cut some up and bring a plate in here. We can just nibble. We'll find a movie on TV."
Sean grinned. "Do you ladies need anything else? Otherwise, I'm running over to the Barn to jam a little bit with Jami."
Mina grinned at him. "I can't wait to join you in a jam session just to watch you guys work."
Sean grinned. "You're invited anytime. Not today. Not while you're healing, but you're invited next time. How about that?"
Mina beamed.
Sean nodded. "I know Jami and the others want to meet you. I'll tell them later in the week. Deal?"
Mina grinned. "Deal."
Sean turned to her. He nodded and winked, and then he stepped out the door. They were really strangers here in his house, but she felt grateful that he felt comfortable enough to just leave them alone here. Of course, not much they could do to anything.
She sighed and turned to the kitchen. She dug around in the cupboards and found glasses for water, and plates. Opening the refrigerator, she found cheese and strawberries and some blueberries. She wondered if Livia had shopped for Sean. Whoever did, knew him well. He loved both strawberries and blueberries.
She carried the two glasses of water to the living room and Mina was sound asleep in the recliner. She watched her daughter sleep for a few moments, saw a blanket in a basket near the sofa, and covered Mina up. There was a small wooden table across the room with nothing on it and she moved that between the sofa and recliner and placed their waters on it. She glanced around and found some coasters and set them under their glasses. She didn't want to damage the little bit of furniture Sean had here.
She made a trip to the kitchen for the fruit and cheese platter, which she quietly set on the table between them. She pulled another blanket from the basket and sat at the end of the sofa nearest Mina.
She popped a blueberry in her mouth and her phone chimed.
She'd largely forgotten about her phone. Partly because she was afraid to see anything about her, Sean, and Mina. Not that ignoring it would make it go away, but she was still in a fragile state where all of that was concerned.
Inhaling deeply, she swiped the screen on her phone and saw a text from Brody.
"How are you all doing?"
She typed out a quick response.
"We're good. Just brought Mina home."
He said,
"Is she up for visitors? I can come over later today."
Gloria bit her bottom lip and replied to Brody's text,
"We're actually at Sean's house."