He bent down as if to pick her up, and she stopped him. "No. You can't. You're sore too."
"But I'm not broken."
He rolled his eyes and moved closer to the SUV. "Place your hand on my shoulder for leverage and I'll help you up. Step on the running board with your right leg, then step in the truck with your left." She tried not to grunt or groan. He was very careful not to jostle her. After she sat on the seat, he stared into her eyes. "Good?"
"Yes." She blew out a soft breath as he set the bag with her clothing on the floor.
He looked at her and his brows furrowed. "How do you feel about the seatbelt?"
"Okay. I'll tell Tony to take the back way and go slowly."
She shook her head. "I'd prefer to get there sooner rather than later."
"Understood." He closed her door and slowly stepped into the front passenger seat. She heard him blow out a breath as he sat, and she knew he'd minimized his aches and pains for her.
Tony climbed into the driver's seat and slowly pulled away from the valet station.
"Livia is at your house making lunch."
Tony turned his head to her briefly. "Livia is my wife. She wanted to do something and wasn't sure what would be of help, then suggested she clean and cook."
Sean nodded. "That sounds perfect. I've only had hospital food. Gloria's only had broth."
"Good. That will make her happy. Not that you haven't eaten, just that she's doing something helpful."
Sean opened the door for Gloria. He held her hand as she stepped into his home. It was the first time she was in his home. He hoped she would be comfortable here, and he wanted her to like it. He'd bought it about three years ago when Jami told him it was stupid to pay rent and they made enough money for him to buy a house. He wasn't far from the Barn, and Jami, and that suited him. But they went on tour, and he worked tirelessly writing songs for their first album. He barely stayed here that first year. He'd slept many nights at the Barn. Mostly due to the long hours he worked. He and Jami were there until two or three in the morning or later, both of them opting for a sofa to sleep on. They'd get up early and start again. This place didn't feel like home at all.
Then, they went on tour. So, the most he'd done here was hire a housekeeper to clean the house, check the mail, and email him important stuff. She suggested her husband work on the landscaping, and he agreed. When he came home the first time from a tour, he was pleasantly surprised at what her husband had done around his home.
Gloria walked slowly into the living room and he felt nervous. "I haven't done any decorating much to the frustration of my housekeeper."
Gloria smiled. "It's lovely, Sean."
Livia, Tony's wife, came rushing from the kitchen, and stopped cold in front of them. "Oh!" She looked between them and her brows furrowed. She put her hand over her heart. "Oh dear. I'm so sorry."
Sean stepped forward and gently hugged Livia. "It's okay, Liv." He turned to Gloria and smiled. "Gloria, this is Livia, Tony's wife." He turned to Livia, "This is Gloria."
Livia held her hand out to Gloria. "It's nice to meet you, Gloria."
Gloria smiled. "It's nice to meet you, too. Sorry, I look a mess."
Livia shook her head. "Oh no. No, not at all. Goodness, please don't worry. I have to admit I looked you up and saw some of your interviews. You're beautiful."
Gloria scoffed slightly. "I'm sure you saw all kinds of things about me on the Internet."
"Well, we know what we see on the Internet is only about ten percent truth. So, I'll make my own judgments based on how you treat me. And Sean, of course."
Gloria smiled. "Thank you."
Sean took a deep breath. "It smells good in here, Liv."
"Thank you. I made lasagna because it freezes well if you can't eat it all. Garlic bread and salad."