He rattled off his email address, wondering if it was time for him to hire an assistant. After all, this reunion missive sat here on his table for...he turned the envelope over and looked at the postmark. Two weeks. Yeah, it was time to hire an assistant.
Violet sent out emails in response to various questions and interviews.
The door to her office opened and her daughter and producer, Mina, burst in with a huge smile on her face.
"I got Sammy Fender from Hart & the Hurricanes."
She smiled at her beautiful daughter, who looked shockingly like her father. Thank God the questions had stopped about her father years ago.
"That's good. Right? That's what you wanted?"
"Mom, it's great. If we're going to move you into prime-time specials, you have to branch out. There are more types of music than just country. Though we both love it, you need to be more than just a country music reporter and television personality. You need to be known as a music personality." She added air quotes. "People need to equate you with music and the one person in the know about all things music related."
"Okay. It can't hurt to give this a try, since you're so sure of it."
"Wonderful. So, Sammy Fender is the lead bass player and a singer. He's handsome and a great musician. He is credited with writing or co-writing many of their songs. He's also a bit quirky always wearing a cowboy hat and dark sunglasses on stage."
"No cowboy hats and sunglasses during the interview. I want to see his eyes. And I don't want my interview being made out to be a joke."
"Nope. It's a deal-breaker for me. And, if you believe so strongly that this will move me into prime-time specials, then this would be a big coup for me. Interviewing Sammy Fender without all the garb on. I'd think their fans would flock to the television to see Sammy without all the stuff he's hiding behind."
Mina bit her bottom lip, and her shoulders sagged. "I guess."
Violet stood and skirted her desk. Her designer slacks made a swishing noise as she neared Mina. "We've worked too hard to get where we are. We have an opportunity here to really step out of the box we've put ourselves in." She frowned. "Actually, the box I put myself in by staying safe. So, if I'm stepping out of the music and musicians I've come to know and love and who all know me, into another genre of music, it'll be on my terms. Otherwise, I have been chatting with Chris Stapleton and he's interested in doing an interview."
"You should schedule that one, too." Mina turned to leave her office, then froze. She slowly turned toward her mom, a smile slowly spreading on her face. "What if we do a sort of Crossroads thing? You know, interview Sammy Fender. Then interview Chris Stapleton. Then, have them on the set together and sing a couple of each other's songs together?"
Violet felt her brows rise high into her fringy bangs. She stared into Mina's green eyes for a long time. Chills ran up her spine. "That is a fantastic idea. When do you have Fender booked?"
"Friday at one in Crystal Cove, Florida. He's there for a class reunion. They just got off a six-month tour. I hear they're headed into the studio to write and record their next album and then head out on tour again."
Violet sighed heavily. "That's not much time. So, I'll forward you the emails from Stapleton's assistant and you organize all of it. And we'll need lodging in Crystal Cove. A camera crew. A place for the interview. And a stage for them to play on."
Mina giggled slightly. "This is it, Mom. This is really it. I can feel it. I even have goosebumps."
She ran her hands up her arms.
"I think you're right. I got those same goosebumps when you mentioned it. I'm ecstatic over this new idea."
Mina stepped forward and hugged her. Violet wrapped her special girl in a warm embrace and inhaled her fresh scent. Even when she was a baby, Violet enjoyed smelling her beautiful daughter. It had just been the two of them for so long. Working together, living together, at least until a year ago, when Mina wanted to move out on her own. But they saw each other every day, and they had dinner at least twice a week. Even while Mina was in college.
Mina pulled away. "Okay, I've got work to do. How much information do you want me to pull on Sammy Fender?"
"Not much. I like the interviews to be spontaneous. Only basics. Is he married? Does he have children? What does he do in his spare time? Things like that. Let me do the big digging during the interview."
"Sounds good."
Mina turned and practically danced out of her office. "Oh, wait!"
Mina turned towards her. "We can have them sing on the beach together in Crystal Cove. I checked and there’s a hotel on the water with a stage on the beach. That way, anyone outside by the bar can listen and we'll have an audience to help spread the word."
Violet smiled as she watched her daughter filled with the love of her job and enthusiasm.
"That's a fabulous idea, Mina. You're knocking this one out of the park."