"He's down in the family room right now. I'm happy to go get him. He isn't next of kin, and we weren't allowed to let him in here with you."
"Yes." Tears flowed down her face. "Yes. Sean. I want to see Sean."
She swallowed the dryness away in her throat. For the life of her, she couldn't get moisture in her mouth. Her tongue felt like it was stuck to the roof of her mouth. She tried again and again.
Finally, she heard Sean's voice.
"Gloria, how are you doing, honey? How are you?"
She tried to unstick her tongue from the roof of her mouth. "Water."
Her voice was scratchy.
"Can she have water, nurse?"
"Yes, only small sips. Actually, it would be better if she only had ice chips. Let me run and grab some ice. Don't let her drink too much. It'll make her nauseous right now."
She felt Sean's weight settle in next to her hip in the bed. She was afraid to open her eyes. The light would hurt. It would hurt like a bitch.
He touched her bottom lip with his finger.
"Honey, open your mouth a little. I'll put a straw next to your lips."
She opened her lips, and he placed the straw in her mouth.
"Okay, only a small sip, honey. Only a small one. Just get your mouth wet."
She took a little sip and Sean pulled the straw away. She almost cried. She needed more water. She was so dry.
"Just a little more, please."
"Honey, let's just wait for the nurse to come back with the ice. I know it's hard."
Tears streamed out of her eyes.
She heard him let out a shaky breath.
"She's in surgery."
"But how is she?"
"She was unconscious, honey. She hit her head pretty hard. She has cuts and bruises on the side of her face. They didn't tell me anything more. I'm her father, but not her legal father. I didn't have permission to get any information about her, or you for that matter. That's why they made me stay outside."
"Okay, sorry."
"We need to remedy that, honey. We need to remedy that. I'm her father."
She started to nod her head, but a wave of nausea filled her. Her skin grew hot.
She squeezed her eyes shut tight.
She said it quick because it hurt. She felt his warm, strong hands hold onto hers. He didn't say anything else. He just sat with her quietly.
The nurse walked in.