She responded,None. It’s like they abandoned that plan.

Abandoned because the target was no longer viable? Or was it a diversion?

He texted Darkling again.What’s your thoughts on this? Are they attempting something else? Or was it a ruse to draw our attention away from the real target?

Her response sent a chill down his spine, making gooseflesh break out along his bare arms, despite the morning warmth.

Ruse. All I’ve picked up are references ‘She’s with him. Get her.’ No details. That bit of intel was a slip because they’ve all gone dark since.

He signed off with thanks and set down his phone.

Get her. Then tonight Lance had attacked Kara.

Rafe joined him a few minutes later. Tie loosened, hair mussed, the normally urbane agent looked exhausted. He ordered a beer and waited until the server walked off.

“Simple tracking device hidden on the Ducati,” Rafe said, his voice tight. “Should have seen it from the beginning. Lance knew where Dylan was at all times and even after we seized his bike and impounded it, it was only a matter of simple deduction for him to figure out we had him in custody.”

“It doesn’t add up. He knew he witnessed the murder of the other two kids. He knows who Marcus is. Why leave him alive?”

“Unless he didn’t want Dylan. He wanted you.” Rafe nodded thanks to the server and drank the beer the woman delivered. “You said you were going after Dylan and he could have been following you. You broke the bonds of brotherhood and he wanted revenge.”

“Lance doesn’t wipe his own butt without orders from Marcus.”

“I know. Your old man told me. He knew Marcus.”

Jace nearly choked on his drink. He set down the glass. “What the hell?”

“Remember that name that you spotted on Lance’s phone?”

“PrisonerXYZ? Darkling tracked it down?”

“She found it on a few message boards and traced it. Guy thought he was being careful. Anonymous. But his ego is too big. He posted a fake photo, and she did a Google search and found it was fake, belonged to some photographer who shot photos at a bike rally.”

Rafe’s smile widened. “The same rally where Lance was shot. Photographer got a photo of Lance talking with another biker just before the fight broke out. Your old man told me he remembers PrisonerXYZ from prison. His name is Gerald, Gerry. Al said he’s sure Gerry and Marcus are the same person.”

“How can he be sure?” Jace snorted. “No one knows Marcus’s true identity. The guy went deep into the shadows when supposedly he was released from prison. And my old man would say anything to beat the rap.”

“Not this time. We checked out his story and did facial recognition, and found Gerald did time for armed robbery and got out of prison a year ago. Gerald got paroled same time Marcus emerged as the shadow leader of the DP.”

“It has to be him. Damn.”

“Your cover is definitely blown and you were followed.”

Jace sucked down a breath and then drained his drink. “Not surprised. Someone saw Kara with me, figured things out.”

“The bikers who followed you both from the Florida motel and the guy they had tailing you at the aquarium at Manatee Island. Lance admitted that much before clamming up.”

“What Lance knows, Marcus knows.”

“You’re not safe, Jace. These guys play rough.” Rafe traced the bottle’s label. “What if Marcus wanted Kara because she’s your girl and he planned to smoke you out into the open? Kidnap Kara in exchange for your life?”

“Maybe. But they had plenty of chances to take me out before this. Seems too elaborate.”

He considered. “And the moment I leave Kara’s side, she gets attacked. I don’t believe in coincidences.”

Rafe drank more beer, wiped his mouth with a paper napkin. “Doesn’t matter. I want you to vanish, Jace. Too much at risk, especially your life. Kara’s in danger, and maybe she knows something she doesn’t even know she knows. Kara could be an essential witness as much as Dylan is and she needs protection. Take her someplace safe until we nail Marcus.”

“And until then? You’ll work with my old man to bring Marcus down?” He laughed without humor. “My old man, an ex-convict, to save the day.”