Allison knew things. Last night while sharing a beer, she hinted Lance’s boys on racing bikes had knocked over a jewelry store last week and the haul was small, but significant. Lance organized the heist. The burglaries began two months ago with a pawnshop.

So he’d told her everything about himself with the cover he’d created, to increase his rep and knowing the information would trickle down to Lance.

Speaking of the chief devil, Lance skirted the bar after returning from the men’s room, and eyeballed Kara with interest. Too much interest. He planted himself in front of Kara.

“Hello, beautiful. Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes,” Lance drawled.

Every muscle in Jace’s body tensed. He fought the urge to spring up, rush to her side and defend her from this prick. Maybe even punch him in the face. He used all the self-control he’d learned in the Army Rangers on missions to play it cool.

Kara looked him up and down as if Lance was a new species of cockroach. Her pert nose wrinkled. “If your eyes are sore, may I suggest an optometrist?”

Then she sidestepped Lance, her cool look of disgust stomping on the man’s ego as if she’d danced a flamenco in her designer heels all over the front of his dirty gray shirt. Jace silently applauded.Atta girl.

With a snort, Lance swaggered toward Jace’s table.

“Jace Brown.” Lance swung a leg over a chair. “We need to talk.”

Without ceremony, silently apologizing to Allison for being a prick, Jace shoved her off his lap. “Beat it.”

As she pouted and flounced off, he looked at Lance. “What’s the deal with her?”

Jace jerked a thumb at the departing Kara.

Lance frowned. “Pretty, but snobby. Women are only good for cooking and screwing, and I can have all the ones I want.”

Right. Keep telling yourself that, Lance.There was no shortage of women for club members, but not the kind Lance seemed to covet. Women like Kara—cultured, sophisticated and beautiful.

“Why you interested?” Lance demanded.

“Just asking.”

“More than asking.” Lance’s brown gaze sharpened. “Seeing the way you keep staring at her, looks like you’re into her. Or were into her. You know her? Who is she?”

Sweat trickled down his back. Damn. Lance wasn’t foolish. If he denied knowing Kara, Lance could do a little more digging into Jace’s past, and despite the cover story the Bureau set up for him, things could get dicey.

He was almost in with the DP. Lies only got him so far, and he couldn’t blow it now.

“I did know her. We dated once.” Jace took a long chug of beer. “You know that guy she was with, Lance?”

If he turned the attention away from himself, and Kara, maybe Lance would lose interest. Instead, the biker grew speculative.

“Reggie. Old dude who comes here every week. What’s her name?”

“Kara. Why ask if you’re not interested?”

Lance used his cell phone to take a photo of the bar. “You’ve hung with us for weeks, proved your worth and loyalty. You wanna join us?”

No application, no references needed, but Jace knew he’d have an initiation challenge to prove his loyalty.Don’t look too eager.

He shrugged. “Thinking about it.”

Lance glanced over at Kara, who was walking out of the bar with the older man who’d accompanied her. A sly grin touched his face and the knife scar stretching from his mouth across his cheek tightened.

“Go say hello to her. See if she blows you off like she did with me. Me and the boys could use some entertainment to liven things up.”

His blood ran cold. He grinned. “Naw, I don’t think so...”

Lance’s gaze narrowed. “Do it, prospect.”