Feeling as if they’d walked into a den filled with hungry lions and she was a tasty gazelle, Kara let him herd her up the stairs, then he unlocked the outside door. As he closed the door, she squinted in the dim hallway light.

He led her down the hallway to a bedroom. Jace led her inside and then closed and locked the door. She looked around, hugging herself, and sat on the bed, wondering.

What now?

“Jace, why are you living here? What’s going on?”

Real fear spiraled through her as he stood listening at the door. Jace didn’t respond, only glanced at her and put a finger to his lips.

“Stay here. I need to erase that security feed of you sneaking around outside.”

As he went downstairs, Kara sat on the bed, her hands folded into her lap. She’d followed Jace here, hoping he wasn’t involved in this. But she’d seen the bikes speeding away. Never had she thought Jace would turn to crime.

She thought she knew him. He’d changed.

Jace finally returned. The bed creaked beneath his weight as he joined her.

“Did you erase the tapes?” she asked.

“Couldn’t. I broke the receiver instead. Now, they can’t retrieve the footage.”

His voice was low and urgent in her ear. “What the hell are you doing here?”

“Don’t deny it, Jace. You and your friends broke into my store and stole from me tonight.”

He made a dismissive gesture. “That’s not important now, Kara. You need to follow along with me if you want to stay safe.”

Anger bubbled up. “I don’t think...”

A voice yelled from downstairs. “Gator, where the hell you at?”

Jace released a low curse. “Mike’s back. I knew he didn’t trust me. If he sees you...”

Her heart raced. She thought only about following Dylan back to the clubhouse, and trying to get him out of here. Not about her own safety. She’d been too furious and upset.

Stairs creaked. Her pulse raced. “You have to get me out of here.”

“Too late. I know it’s tough, but trust me in this.” He brushed a strand of hair from her face. “I hate doing this, but I don’t have a choice, not if you want to live. If Mike knows you’re here tonight... You have to trust I won’t hurt you. Ever.”

She wanted to run. But Jace was right. He had never put her into any situation where she felt endangered.

Jace always ensured her safety. Made her feel protected. Even though his lifestyle changed and he’d turned to stealing, she had no reason to believe he’d lie to her. Not about this.

Jace locked his gaze to hers. “You and I may have to pretend we’re up here, having hot sex.”

Heat flooded her face, as if her internal thermostat shot up to boiling. Jace removed his shirt and unbuckled his jeans, then shrugged out of them. Her heart nearly stopped.

Not waiting for her, Jace kneeled at her feet and removed her sneakers, then slid off her socks. Kara’s heartbeat thrummed the way it used to before they made love.

This wasn’t lovemaking. This was survival.

In his black boxers, his shoulder-length hair curling at the ends, he looked sexy as hell. If she wasn’t so scared, she’d be turned on.

Who was fooling whom? She was turned on despite the gravity of their predicament.

Kara unbuttoned the striped shirt and threw it aside. Then she tugged off her jeans and they landed next to the shirt. In her red lace bra and matching panties, she sat on the bed, studying him. A pulse beat madly at the base of his throat. Jace swallowed hard.

“Damn,” he said hoarsely. “You’re so beautiful.”