Understanding, she straddled him and sank deep into him, moaning with the erotic pleasure of having Jace at last inside her. Strong hands on her hips, he helped her ride him.

Every delicious stroke brought her higher and higher, cranking the sweet tension higher until she was panting. She was so close, close...

His mouth encased one hard nipple. He bit lightly.

Screaming, she shattered, her nails digging into his muscled chest. Then he joined her, his own cries echoing with hers.

Kara fell against him, panting, her perspiration mingling with his, her hands splayed against his rigid chest. She couldn’t think about the future or the consequences of what they’d done.

Tomorrow would arrive soon enough.

Chapter 22

Leaden light peeked through the window blinds early the next morning. Jace yawned and rolled over, watching Kara. So beautiful as she slept, her hair spilling over the pillow, a soft smile on her face.

Damn, he’d give anything to wake up to her next to him each day. Maybe they could make it work.

She woke, caught him and her smile widened. “Good morning, lover.”

He took her into his arms again.

After they showered and made breakfast, Jace let Darby out for a run in the field. Ankle-high grass hid birds foraging for insects and a curious chipmunk sat up, watching them. The dog chased the chipmunk and then ran to the road, barking.

Sipping his second mug of coffee on the porch, Jace froze at the distant growl of a motorcycle. This was a quiet country road, yeah, and maybe the biker was enjoying the twists and turns...

Or not.

Maybe the Devil’s Patrol had found them. Again.

After whistling for Darby, who came running, he ran into the house, the screen door banging behind him. Kara was tidying the kitchen.

“Kara, they may have found us.”

She turned, her face pale. “Jace, how? No one knows we’re here and this place is so remote...”

“They’re tracking us. Or talked to someone in town after tracking us here.”

It made no sense. He’d exchanged vehicles with Al, and Al couldn’t have had a tracking device on his bike. But somehow, the gang had tracked them down. Unless they’d tracked them a different way...

Jace thought rapidly. Maverick, one of the DP, had worked as a software developer for a large tech firm before getting fired. He’d laughed about it because the criminal life was far more prosperous. Maverick had worked cleaning up people’s computers and phones...sometimes placing the malware in the phones himself and then getting paid by the company to uninstall it when the user experienced problems. The company found out what he’d been doing and fired him.

A biker with experience in malware...

“Let me see your phone. This is the same phone you’ve been using since you spied on the DP the night your jewelry got stolen?”

Kara nodded.

“Have you downloaded anything, anything at all, in the past month? Photos, an app?”

“A game. That’s all.”

When she told him the name of the game and gave him her phone, he found the game Dylan had sent her. Jace swore.

“Please tell me you didn’t download this app from a link Dylan sent you.”

Kara’s eyes went huge. “That game... I played it with Dylan sometimes in the shop on break and with everything going on...yes, it’s the same one. He didn’t tell me where he found out about it!”

“Son of a bitch!” He threw the phone at the sofa. “It’s how they’ve been tracking you, Kara. Dylan told me he got the link for the app from Big Mike. Big Mike must have had Maverick install spyware in the app and you downloaded it to become a sitting duck.”