Biting back another string of curses, Rafe reached for his phone to warn his best agent. Jace’s cell went straight to voice mail.

They had to find Marcus before Marcus found Jace and Kara.

Chapter 21

They had dinner and after walking Darby, settled onto the sofa as it grew later. Darby settled on an old pillow by the sofa and promptly curled up to sleep.

Jace watched her channel-surf. Kara landed onET. “Oh, look! Didn’t you love this movie?”

He considered. “Yeah. And no.”

She playfully touched his nose. “Lots of good advice in it. Be good.”

He jerked a thumb at the back porch. “No, bee careful or bee sting.”

“Wasps are not bees, Jace.” She laughed and tucked her feet beneath her legs.

Confession time. He had to tell her the truth.

She had become such a part of him, wriggling past the hard barricade he thought was his heart, and wrapping herself around it. Kara was in him, around him. He smelled her perfume when he took coffee onto the lanai to enjoy the sunrise and the sweet scent of jasmine. He heard her gurgling laughter in the childish giggles of his neighbors’ children splashing in the pool. He felt her loving concern when everything in this life seemed so crappy and he thought he’d never overcome his equally crappy origins. She forced him to see the good in people and the joy instead of the grimness and despair. Kara made him feel like he was at last worthy of loving someone and being loved in return.

Jace wondered how she’d react. For years, he’d been ashamed of his parents, his dysfunctional childhood. And yet, now more than in the past, he wanted to come clean with her. Let her know the answers to all the questions she’d asked.

Gently, he took the remote from her hand and turned off the television, setting the device on the coffee table.

“Kara, there’s something I need to tell you. Something I should’ve told you a long time ago. It’s about my family, and why I never wanted you to meet them.”

Kara took a deep breath. “Jace, I’m listening.”

Jace turned his head, meeting her gaze.

The weight of his secrets pressed heavily on his shoulders, and he knew he needed to share them. She deserved to know the truth about the man she’d met back at the rest stop.

He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees. “I wasn’t always on this side of the law, Kara. You know I’ve been undercover in this motorcycle gang, but what you don’t know is that my family has deep ties to this world. My father, the guy you met? He was a DP—in fact, a founding member.”

Jace hesitated for a moment, struggling to find the right words. “My father lived for the thrill of the open road and the chaos of the club. My mother, she tried her best to keep us together, but it was tough. She worked two jobs just to make ends meet.”

No judgment on her face, only concern. Kara listened intently. “Go on.”

Hell, this was tough. He felt like his insides were grated raw. “When I was a kid, I looked up to my dad. I craved excitement, adventure and motorcycles, just like he did. But when I was fifteen, I went with my dad to a bike rally and I saw my old man kill someone else.”

Eyes wide, she leaned close, clasping his hand. Her touch anchored him, giving him the courage to continue. Not even Rafe, his closest friend, knew everything.

“I saw him get into a heated argument with another biker, and it turned violent. I watched him kill the guy right in front of me. It was brutal, Kara, and I’ll never forget the look in my dad’s eyes. He looked as if...he regretted it, but it was too late. He got arrested, tried, convicted for second-degree manslaughter.

“After that, my dad was imprisoned, and my mother remarried. She distanced herself from me, probably because she was afraid I’d turn out like my old man.” Forcing out the words, he felt raw emotion close his throat. “I was left to fend for myself more or less, so I joined the Army at seventeen. My legal name is Jason Beckett, but started telling everyone my name is Jace. Because my parents always called me Jason. My small way of making my own distance from them.”

“Jace, I had no idea. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that alone.”

Nothing but compassion in her blue eyes, compassion and sorrow. Jace felt a surge of pure relief amid his boiling emotions. “Guess I never wanted to tell you because your family was so...perfect. I was ashamed.”

“Ashamed?” She shook her head. “With everything going against you, you made something of yourself, Jace. You fought the odds and won. I’m proud of you. That took a lot of courage.”

Relieved at her reaction, he studied her expression. “I wanted to make a difference, babe. I never wanted to be like my old man.”

Kara cupped his face gently. “We all have our pasts and our secrets. What matters is who you are now, and I see the good in you. I see the man who fights for justice and to protect ordinary people like me. I’m proud of you, Jace, and I’m glad you finally told me.”

Longing raced through him. Yeah, life was full of unexpected twists and turns, the kind he enjoyed taking on his bike. You had to lean into the curves, embrace the unexpected and learn to adapt. He’d done plenty of that. So had Kara.