Admiration filled him. Then he pointed to a fast-food sign.

“Need a break?”

Making a face, she nodded. “Not that I’m fond of grease, but it’s faster.”

The restaurant was crowded when they went inside. Jace used his mobile app and grabbed their order. Kara stared longingly at an empty booth.

“Do we have time? For just a few minutes? I’d love a change of scenery from the car.”


They ate lunch, Jace checking the window once in a while, while discussing the merits of mobile apps and ordering ahead versus chancing it in person.

“One time when I was in the Army on leave at a restaurant, the service was so slow by the time the waitress arrived to take my order, my leave was up.”

“Oh, that’s terrible. See? Always order ahead.”

They laughed as Jace helped her clean up the table and pitch their trash into a bin. But the laughter died as she stared out the window. Her hand trembled as she pointed.


He turned, swore and grabbed her hand. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 19

They were screwed. How the hell had the Devil’s Patrol found them?

Only one bike, but one was enough. As he drove away, he caught a glimpse of the biker, face hidden by a helmet. But the DP on his leather jacket stood out like a neon sign.

Must be the car. Have to ditch it.

About an hour later, he pulled into the parking lot of a rental-car company. They went into the office, but no luck. All the cars had been taken.

All he could do was keep pushing ahead, hoping to lose them.

Or confront them head on. Dangerous with Kara in the car.

Confront the bikers in public, hope for the best. But not endanger Kara. No way he wanted her beneath a yellow tarp, her body left for police to identify.

He returned to the car, checked his weapon. Glanced at Kara. “We’re about three hours from your uncle’s cabin, if we stick to the interstate. I don’t know how they’re tracking us, but I say we keep pushing on.”

Jace consulted the GPS. “If I pull off at this rest stop, I plan to confront this guy. Far as I can see, it’s one guy tailing us. Need to stop him before he finds us at the cabin. I’ll need you to do exactly as I say.”

Kara took a deep breath. “Whatever you want me to do, I’ll do.”

In another hour, he found the rest stop, pulled off and parked beneath the shade of a sprawling oak tree. The area included green space, with a terrific view of the mountains, and picnic tables. A breeze ruffled the leaves and cooled the sweat trickling down his back. Jace scanned the tables and pointed to one occupied by a large family. She could easily blend in there and go unnoticed by whoever was stalking them.

After instructing Kara to hang near the picnic table and pace as if waiting for someone, he leaned against the vehicle and waited. Didn’t have to wait long, for a motorcycle roared into the rest stop and parked nearby. The rider turned to him, ambled toward him.

Gun at the ready, Jace tensed.

As the biker drew closer, he squinted in the bright sunlight. The gait, rather a limp, seemed familiar. Not a DP he knew, though the guy wore the colors...

“Jace. At last, I finally get to see you.”

Shock pummeled him as the biker removed his helmet. The gray hair, weathered face...eyes as blue as his own.

Swearing, he stared, but did not holster his sidearm. “Dad?”