Kara’s eyes were huge. She’d seen them. Her breath came in little gasps.

“Easy,” he soothed. “We’re leaving them far behind.”

He hoped.

An hour later, they had left the motel far enough behind for him to feel confident the bikers couldn’t follow them. He asked Kara to plug in the instructions to her uncle’s cabin in North Carolina.

Glad she was finally relaxing and losing the tension gripping her, Jace smirked as she argued the GPS was wrong.

Jace switched on the radio. Kara gave him a pointed look. “Bluegrass?”

“We’re in the country. I’m blending in.”

“We’re in an SUV, Jace. No need to blend in.”

“You don’t like banjo music?”

“You know I adore banjo music. But not in the woods.”

“We’re on the interstate. Hardly the woods.”

“Those trees on the side of the road don’t count?”

Jace chuckled and shook his head. “Okay, let’s use your playlist.”

She used the Bluetooth on her phone and the sounds of “Closer to Fine” blasted out of the speakers.

Side-eye time. Jace groaned. “Indigo Girls? Chick music?”

“It’s a great song about the meaning of life. And we’re driving.” She flashed him a winsome smile.

“See if I invite you into my mojo dojo casa house.”

Kara laughed. “You saw the movieBarbie?”

“Yeah. The girl I was dating at the time insisted. Was a pretty good flick.”

“What happened to her? Your girlfriend.”

Jace’s stomach tightened. “The job got in the way. She got tired of waiting for me to clear my schedule. Or make a commitment.”

“Sounds as if she wasn’t right for you. She should have understood you are committed, but to the job.”

He considered. Kara was right again. But it was a heavy subject for the road and he wanted to steer them to light stuff, considering what happened back at the motel.

“Mind if I switch my playlist? No banjo music. Spanish.”

At her nod, he thumbed on his playlist and “Despacito” played. Kara nodded to the beat. He grinned.

“Like it?”

“Catchy. I didn’t know you enjoyed Latin music. It’s great dance music.”

“I grew up listening to salsa, merengue. Used to hang out with Rafe and his friends a lot in Miami.” Jace tapped his fingers on the wheel to the energetic beat. “Saved my life in a way.”

Another heavy topic. But Kara didn’t pursue it. Instead, she began seat dancing.

“Remember the times we went clubbing? That was fun. You’re a good dancer. Great rhythm.”