Kara nodded. “There wasn’t much lighting in the room, and I’ve seen him only once, but I’ll never forget his ugly face from the Tiki Bar.”

His heart skipped a beat and dread shimmied down his spine. Why did Lance want Kara? Was the gang leader hoping to use Kara to reel in Jace? Use her as a hostage? Or get Dylan to remain silent by using her as a hostage?

He gently squeezed her hand. “I have to make a call. Sit tight.”

Outside the office, he called Rafe and relayed the news. His boss swore in Spanish.

“Talk to the man in charge, tell him what you’ve learned and to get a BOLO out on the bastard. He can’t get far. He’s wanted for two federal charges now, attempted kidnapping and interstate transportation of stolen property.” Rafe hung up.

Kara was his main concern now. With Lance on the loose and after her, he wasn’t taking any chances.

Leaving the sheriff’s office to the investigation and advising them of what Rafe told him, he told her he was taking her to his hotel room. She did not argue.

In his car, Kara sat quietly after he’d loaded her suitcase into the trunk. Jace couldn’t leave the parking lot fast enough.

He glanced at her. “Toilet tank lid, huh? Good thinking.”

She took another unsteady breath. “I was hoping I’d either knock him out or he’d suffer a terrible allergy attack from the black mold on the toilet tank lid.”

Jace laughed. She was going to be okay.

His laughter died. Yeah, okay for now, but Lance tried to kidnap her. Possibly assault her. Squeezing his fingers tight on the steering wheel, he felt his blood pressure rise. Someone had tried to hurt Kara.

It didn’t make sense.I’m the one they want to harm.

“You’ll be safe at the hotel and surrounded by agents. We have rooms on the same floor. If anyone tries anything—” he hissed out a breath “—they’ll have to go through me. I won’t let that happen.”

An hour later, Kara was asleep in his room, one arm tucked beneath her, her face smoothed out. Jace sat on the bed, stroked her hair. He’d dropped the ball with her. Wasn’t going to happen again.

Right now, he needed to find out why the hell Lance wanted Kara. His cell buzzed and he walked into the hallway to talk to Rafe.

“We found him. Son of a bitch broke into a drugstore to steal first-aid supplies. Local LEOs arrested Lance and he’ll be arraigned tomorrow.”

Should have felt relief, but Jace didn’t.

“Did he say anything?” Jace asked.

“Wanted a lawyer. Said he would talk if he got a deal, but only after the lawyer gets here. His lawyer can’t be here until tomorrow, during arraignment, so he’s spending the night courtesy of the local jail. We’ve got him on federal charges, and he’s scared.”

They had Lance in custody. Dylan as a witness. But Kara’s attack didn’t fit the puzzle pieces. He knew something else was up.

“So he said nothing about why he wanted Kara. Or who wanted her,” Jace mused.

“Lance may have targeted Kara in order to keep Dylan quiet. Insurance, so he doesn’t talk in case Dylan turned himself in.” Rafe released a deep sigh. “Or you, Jace. Maybe the bastard figured out you’re a Fed.”

“Seems too elaborate for him. If Marcus is pulling the strings, he’d simply order a hit on Dylan. Or have taken him out before Dylan landed in our custody.”

“How did he find you so fast?” Rafe wondered.

“He didn’t find me. He found Kara.” Suddenly, it clicked. “Dammit, I should have seen it. He put a tracking device on Dylan’s bike. He’s been following Dylan the entire time. Check out the bike and text me.”

Less than an hour later, Rafe confirmed Jace’s suspicions through a text and said he’d meet him at the hotel’s lounge.

Leaving an agent on guard outside his room, he headed downstairs.

Low lighting and elegant wood paneled walls loaned the bar a feel of intimacy. Jace sat at a back table facing the entrance and ordered a bourbon and soda from the server. Dylan was safe, in custody. Lance had been arrested. A key part of this puzzle remained missing.

Darkling had to have intel. He texted her. Any more chatter on what Marcus and the DP plan to do for a public target and making a statement?