Before the DP caught up with him and sent him firsthand to meet the good Lord in person...

“Okay, I’m back. Are you all right?” Kara asked.

“Is Jace there with you?”

Her brow wrinkled. “Why would he be?”

“He wouldn’t go anywhere without you. I know it! Don’t play games with me, Kara!”

From the sound of it, kid was falling apart. Jace gently took the phone from Kara and pressed the speaker button. “I’m here, Dylan, and you’re on speaker.”

“Good.” His voice was shaky, but strong. “Make sure you’re someplace where no one can hear you. I have something to tell you.”

“Where are you?” Kara asked.

“Someplace you can’t find me, but I’m okay. I’ll be okay.” Dylan’s voice dropped. “I’m sorry, coz. I didn’t want to help them steal from you. You’re the last person I wanted to hurt.”

“Dylan, that’s not important,” she began.

“Yes, it is! It is to me! You and your family have been so good to me. I want to make it up to you, at least a little. I hid the diamond necklace from the robbery, the one you said was almost worth two hundred grand, and I’m going to tell you where to find it.”

Jace’s questioning gaze flicked to her. Kara bit her lip. “All right. But, Dylan, please, we need you to come in. The police are looking for you.”

“Everyone is looking for me. It’s why I can’t meet you guys. I’ve got a target on my back. I’ve got to go it alone.”

“I can help you, Dylan,” Jace said, cutting in. “I have resources.”

“You’re not going to turn me over to Lance? I checked his email and that’s what he says.”

“How did you...?”

“Hacked into his account when he wasn’t looking. The guy is more oblivious than a bag of rocks. Except with guns. How can I know you won’t turn me over, Gator?”

You can’t. Except I’m not turning you over to a cold-blooded murderer. Just my supervisor.

“I have no intention of letting Lance know where you are, Dylan.” That much was a truth he could dole out.

“Dylan, please, let us help you,” Kara pleaded.

“No can do, coz. But I can help you.”

He gave them the GPS coordinates. Jace memorized them.

“The necklace is inside the cabin in a velvet bag in the fireplace.”

“You put my diamond necklace in ashes inside an unlocked cabin?” Kara sounded incredulous.

“No one goes there. Everyone in this town says it’s haunted. A guy was murdered there ten years ago.”

“Terrific,” Kara muttered.

“You afraid of a ghost story?”

“No, Dylan. I’m afraid for you. Please, let us help you.”


The phone went dead.