If the DP discovered Dylan had seen Marcus, that put him in even more peril, more than simply taking the jewelry they had stolen.

The incident at the aquarium rattled him. Perhaps it was all innocent and the fisherman was waiting for someone else or playing a part, maybe even a private detective spying on one of the yachts anchored close to the marina. However, paranoia proved healthy in the past. Had the guy come after him when Jace was alone, he could have easily taken him. Perhaps gotten some answers as to who was following him.

With Kara, he didn’t dare take chances. Maybe it was better that way because, as his boss always warned, Jace could sometimes throw caution to the wind.

It was one reason Rafe had hesitated to assign him to this case. If not for Jace’s family background and his old man being a member of an outlaw bike club, Rafe would have selected someone else.

Kara had no clue what this was truly all about. One thing about his ex—once she dug her heels in, she stayed. Even when it grew dicey. Especially when her family was concerned.

If he had pushed even a little to stay together and asked her to work things out instead of walking away six years ago, Jace knew she’d have caved. But he hadn’t. Too many times in the past had he built those walls to keep from getting hurt, like his family had hurt him. His family, who were so different from Kara’s.

He thought about the warm reception her mother gave him. Damn, he held strong affection for both her parents. Claudia and Chuck treated him like a son, and when he and Kara broke it off, he missed them as much as he missed Kara.

Claudia had been more of a mother to him than his own mom, fussing about him, always worrying, ensuring his favorite meals were cooked when he came over. Inviting him on their family excursions.

He’d even traveled with them to the Bahamas to stay in their vacation house. Chuck invited him fishing and they’d had some mighty fine male bonding that day on the deep blue sea. Caught a few good snappers and had a great time grilling them later for the ladies.

They made a couple of stops for snacks and drinks, but Jace kept pushing on.

Finally, much later, knowing she needed to eat, Jace pulled into the parking lot of a small diner in a small town. It seemed safer here, more anonymous.

The DP had a long arm in Florida and he intended to avoid that arm.

As Kara walked inside to use the restroom, his cell rang. Lance again. Jace went outside. This time, he stabbed the answer button. This was a convo best had in private.

“Yeah, Lance. Thanks for trashing my place.”

A volley of foul words followed.

“You think what the guys did to your sofa is bad, Gator? When they catch you they’re going to cut you into so many pieces the gators will have trouble finding all of you.”

The man’s voice lowered. “There’ll be nothing left of you to bury. Not even bones. Your own mother won’t recognize you.”

“Sure.” He managed to sound bored. “She won’t give a damn. You’ll never find the jewels that way.”

He expected more swearing but heard only silence. Finally, Lance said, “Go on.”

“If I stole your stash, and killed those kids, think I’d bother talking to you? I think I know where the kid is and I’m going to find him and get the jewelry back.”

“Where’s Dylan, you bastard? I warned you to watch him!”

Jace released his own string of swear words. “I couldn’t watch him every second. What the hell do you want from me?”

“Your life, you bastard, if you don’t find Dylan. Find him, or you’re dead meat.”

Lance hung up.

Blowing out a breath, he pocketed the phone.That went well.

The diner wasn’t busy this time of night and he was glad of it. Jace ordered a burger, medium rare, with a salad, then excused himself to the restroom. After, he called Rafe. No answer. Worry needled him. His boss never shut off his cell phone.

After he finished eating, Jace glanced at the round clock over the diner’s counter. Nearly eight, and Kara’s head was bobbing over the bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich she was struggling to finish.

Jace consulted the internet and found a small motel. He tossed a few bills on the table, took a long swig of his iced tea and slid out from the booth. “Come on. We need to find a place to crash before you fall off the bike.”

A few miles later, they pulled into the motel parking lot. Only two other vehicles were parked, and they were closer to the office of the U-shaped motel. Jace’s practiced eye roved over the tiny office as he went inside, saw the bulletproof glass shielding the sleepy desk clerk who came out to answer the bell Jace rang.

Seeing Kara, the clerk immediately perked up. He smoothed down his oily hair, flashed a grin in Kara’s direction that raised Jace’s suspicions.