Finally, she raised her head. “Very well. As long as you promise to go with Jason and follow his lead. Don’t go anywhere without him. I trust him. Promise, Kara, or I will lock you into your bedroom.”

Kara blinked. “I’m not ten, trying to sneak out to a late movie, Mom. I’m not a little girl.”

“Promise, Kara.”

Such faith and trust in her ex. “Mom, why do you trust him so much? We’re no longer together.”

“Promise me.”

“I promise. I’ll follow Jace’s lead.”

Kara swung around as the sliding glass door opened. Jace shut it behind him. “I’m hitting the road.”

“So am I. With or without you. Dylan’s promised to call me to tell me where he’s hiding. He’s going to return the jewelry to me.” She took a deep breath, feeling perched on the edge of a dangerous cliff. “Me, Jace. Not you.”

Jace heaved a deep sigh. “This isn’t a road trip to look at sights, babe.”

Ignoring the endearment that sent a tingle down her spine, she threw back her shoulders. “I know. But you need me, Jace. Dylan needs me. I have until tomorrow afternoon to get to Georgia before he calls again at five. He’s going to give me instructions then. It feels like a ransom, but I have to play along with him. He’s holding the cards.”

Jace leaned against the wall. Glanced at her mother. “You approve of this?”

“No. But I trust you to keep her safe, Jace. She will do this and if you are with her, you’ll protect her. I know you will.” Claudia’s gaze turned steely. “You had better, Jason.”

“I will.” Jace saluted and then kissed his fingertips and touched them to his heart. “I will put her safety above my own.”

Emotion welled in Kara’s throat, not from his solemn words, but the gesture he made. How many times had Jace used that special gesture to signify a promise to her? A promise she was the only one for him. A promise he would be faithful and look out for her needs. A promise to make her happy as her husband.

But never a promise to stop riding his motorcycle and put her first.

Maybe you didn’t promise to try to understand because you were too scared to reach out to him.

It was too much for one day. Kara bit her lip to regain control of her lost composure. “I’m going to pack some essentials I have here, and call Lacey, ask her to send the suitcase I left at her house.”

Jace consulted his cell phone. “Never mind calling Lacey. I’ll call Jarrett, ask him to send someone with your suitcase to a place where we can meet on the road. We have to get going. You can’t wear that dress, Kara. Long pants—jeans—are best for riding, and a long-sleeved shirt. Shoes or sneakers, no heels. Take a small pack if you have one. There isn’t much room in the bike’s saddlebags.”

In the bedroom her parents had always set aside for her, Kara found jeans, a white blouse and tennis shoes. She dressed, then retrieved a backpack, clothing and her emergency stash of cash. Then she started down the hallway and paused.

Conner’s room. The door was always closed. Kara took a deep breath and opened the door.

It felt like stepping back into a time warp. Unlike her bedroom, which had changed as she grew older, her little brother’s room remained the same from the day he died.

Bed still unmade. Toys scattered around the room, several miniature cars as well. Posters of favorite sports stars and a photo on the dresser of Kara and Conner.

She crossed the room and picked it up. Someone had dusted in here—Lucy, probably.

In the photo, Conner stood behind her on a raised surface, his skinny arms around her neck as he rested his head on her shoulder, grinning at the camera. She looked impatient and yet amused.

How well she remembered that day. They were about to set sail and Conner climbed up on the deck box and threw his arms around her because she wanted to go sailing alone with her friends, and he pestered her until she capitulated and agreed.

We spoiled him too much.

I spoiled him as well, Mom.

Conner always got his way. Until that day. Kara wiped the tears trickling down her face.

She closed the door behind memories and mourning. Time to forge ahead and try to save someone else. It was too late for Conner. But she would save Dylan, even if Jace didn’t want her along for the ride.

Chapter 11