Her stomach roiled. “Oh, dear heavens.”

“I saw them, Kara. I was in the garage, taking Royce’s bike, and heard two big hogs pull up. Two guys... Big Mike, and he called the other guy Marcus. I went to the clubhouse and peeked through the windows. I saw who killed them. There was so much blood, I was so scared I wheeled my bike out to where they couldn’t hear me and then I just took off and I’ve been hiding ever since.”

Nausea rose in her throat.

“Did they see you, Dylan? Did they?”

Because if the bikers knew Dylan witnessed the murders, he was as good as dead.

“No. I’m sure they didn’t. I was careful, got away from the clubhouse before they came out. Unless they checked the security cameras.”

“Jace disabled the receiver before he left. Long story.”

Kara gripped her cell so hard it was sure to leave imprints on her palm. “Stay where you are. Stay there and I’ll come and get you. The police will go easy on you, Dylan, if I vouch for you.”

“No. I can’t risk it. I’m sorry, Kara, but I can’t.”

“Please, Dylan. If you truly are sorry, you’ll let me help you.”

Silence for a moment and then he finally said, “Okay. Not now. It’s too risky, I’m in a place where I’m too visible. Tomorrow, I’ll call you at five in the afternoon and give you details where you can find the jewelry. Not in Florida. Marcus has spies all over Florida.”


“Georgia. Gotta go.”

The line went dead.

Her palm was clammy and cold as she put away the phone. Kara behind Jace and put on the helmet he handed her.

“Client problems?” he asked, backing out of the driveway.

“Sort of.”

“You got it worked out?”

“I will.”

She had little time to get to Georgia and save Dylan.

Before Marcus and the other bikers found him first.

Jace drove slowly on the motorcycle to her parents’ house as Kara clung to his waist. Snuggled against him, she couldn’t help feeling a little of the old thrill when they’d been this close.

Always touching each other, holding hands in public, Jace never hesitating to show his feelings.

Now, he was distant. Cold. She should be glad for it, but instead, felt stabbing regret.

When they finally reached the pristine gated community of Coastal Woods, she relaxed a little. Her family had moved here after Conner’s death to start over, and if it hadn’t been for her father’s real-estate business, they might have left Florida entirely.

Kara keyed in the code at the development’s gate and the guard nodded as they roared through. Jace turned down tree-lined streets decorated with tasteful plantings, flowers and ornate streetlights until they reached Clover Lane, and the third house on the right.

As he pulled into the driveway of the sprawling, modern house on a deep-water canal, she breathed a sigh of relief. Relief turned into concern as she saw her mother scurry out of the double-glass front doors toward them. Claudia wore a light blue sleeveless dress and high heels. She’d never seen her mother wearing anything casual.

Except after Conner died, and the two weeks where her mother barely made it out of bed...

Kara pulled off the helmet and dismounted, then smoothed her skirt as Jace switched off the engine and put the kickstand down. Claudia had a tendency to clutch her pearls when presented with troubling circumstances.

“Kara. What are you doing on a motorcycle?” Her mother sounded puzzled, but not alarmed.