Less than an hour later, he arrived at his apartment complex.

Jace pulled into his assigned spot and scanned the area, as always. Tension rode his neck muscles as he pulled off the black helmet. This place had been a Florida motel in the heyday of pink flamingoes and signs advertising Color Television and Air Conditioning, but it was a dump even then. More of a dump now. Still, it was safe for this assignment. Most tenants never spoke to one another and minded their own business. He dismounted and headed up the stairs, avoiding the rusty iron railing that wobbled with each touch. Landlord didn’t care about repairs, only the rent getting paid.

A tingle rushed down his spine as he neared his apartment. Jace stopped, scanned the area again. No one around. Not even the stray cat that chased away the rats snacking on the garbage overflowing the dumpster. He inched closer, muscles knotted with tension and awareness.

His door was slightly ajar. Perhaps a crack. Jace removed the Glock tucked into the back of his jeans.

With the tip of one steel-toed boot, he kicked the door open. Son of a... The postage-stamp studio looked like someone had dumped the contents into a blender and then everything had been spat out. Frayed sofa torn open, stuffing spilling out. Same with the old armchair he’d found at a thrift shop. Coffee table broken and lying in pieces.

Weapon cupped in his hands, he advanced. It took less than a minute for his head to assure him “all clear” and he tucked away the Glock. He studied the open refrigerator, the eggs spilled onto the floor and the bread smashed. Inching closer, he saw the clear indent of a biker boot on the store-bought loaf. Yeah, no surprise here. Lance sent his crew to upend Jace’s place to search for the stolen jewels. He peered at the fridge’s wire shelves and shook his head. Beer was gone as well. No surprise there, either. The gang never wasted a beer, not even when they wrecked someone’s place.

Good thing his laptop was secure, back at the FBI headquarters. Jace did all his work on his phone, not leaving anything of value or importance in the apartment. Except for his weapon.

He heard a noise out front. With extreme stealth, he palmed his Glock and waited. Maybe the bastards who did this had returned.

Footsteps sounded on the cheap linoleum. Not the heavy tread of boots, but a lighter step. Female.

Jace stepped out of the bathroom, gun pointed ahead.

A startled yelp. “Please don’t hurt me!”

Rolling his eyes, he lowered the weapon. “Dammit, Kara, I could have shot you. What the hell are you doing here?”

“I followed you.”


“Since you took my car key, I borrowed Lacey’s Mercedes.”

Jace scowled. He’d sorely underestimated his ex. “You need to go back.”

She gingerly sidestepped parts of sofa stuffing. “I told Lacey and Jarrett I couldn’t endanger them and their baby, if things were as bad as I thought. Jarrett tried to stop me, but you know me.”

He did. No one could stop Kara when she made up her mind. Curiously, she’d been more stubborn in the past about others being endangered, but not herself. She seemed to care deeply about the welfare of others more, which had led to a few fights when she drove him wild with worry.

“What happened here, Jace?” Kara shuddered. “You should call the police.”

“No cops. Someone got angry at me for something. It’s no big deal.” Jace crossed the room, tucking the gun into his waistband. “What the hell am I going to do with you?”

“Take me with you. Or I’ll go myself. But I would rather have you with me.” Her expression remained guileless. “To be honest, I don’t exactly relish the idea of going alone and possibly running into your gang.”

“They’re not my gang,” he said absently. He looked around the wrecked room.

His cell buzzed. Caller ID indicated Lance.

Jace pocketed the phone without answering. Not now.

“I know Dylan must have taken the jewelry. With or without you. I have to find him before it’s too late. I can’t lose him the way...” She bit her lip.

“The way what? What aren’t you telling me, dammit!” Something wasn’t right here. Kara had a secret she wasn’t sharing and he didn’t have time to be polite.

She shook her head. “Nothing. I need to talk to my aunt. She’ll know where he is.”

Jace gritted his teeth. He didn’t need her as baggage around his neck, a possible target that would put him and, worse, her in jeopardy. “Kara, I’ll talk to your aunt. These guys don’t mess around. Is the jewelry worth the risk?”

“I saw the bodies.” Her big blue gaze was clear and direct. “I know what the risks are, Jace. I have to find Dylan. I know he’s terrified and all alone. It’s not the jewelry. It’s him.”

Admiration for her rose a few notches. More than a stylish and wealthy businesswoman intent on recovering her property, Kara had a kind and gentle heart. He’d forgotten about that, dammit, and one of the reasons he’d fallen hard and fast for her.