But Dylan’s mask slipped a minute. Too obvious. The kid was scared and showing it. Lance, who could smell fear like a bloodhound on the trail of a fleeing fox, narrowed his eyes at Dylan.

“What’s wrong with you?” Lance demanded.

Dylan’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down. “Nothing.”

Jace crossed the room to hose down the tension. “Hey, Dylan, how’s the bike running now? I know you’re worried she won’t be fast, but I put a lot of work into her, so relax, kid. I got you covered.”

Was that the faintest shade of relief on the kid’s face? Even if not, Lance’s muscled shoulders relaxed. Jace felt a surge of his own relief. He liked the kid, who had looked up to him as a mentor. Dylan had even asked Jace to show him the basics of bike repair.

He hoped like hell that the kid would gain common sense and get away from this crowd, but suspected he owed Lance. A lot.

“Good job, Gator. Dylan’s gonna need speed tonight.” He glanced at Jace. “Appreciate you staying late to work on all the bikes.”

Bile rose in his throat. He swallowed past it, thinking of the letters flashing in the air. Aiding and abetting in a felony.

If he had his preferences, he would have dismantled every single crotch rocket Lance brought to the shop for him to work on today.

But the big fish still remained out there, waiting to be hooked. Bringing in Lance and the other bikers wasn’t the goal. Lance reported to someone heading this ring of jewel thieves. The same someone orchestrating the as-yet unknown domestic-terrorist event that would light up the night with horrific violence.

Jace grabbed a beer from the fridge. Lance thumbed at a teenager named Cody to leave and gestured for Jace to take his place on the sofa. Jace sat, yawning, and stretched out his arms, nodding his thanks. He took a long swig, relishing the beer sliding down his throat.

Remaining quiet, pretending to be absorbed in his beer, he listened to Lance dole out instructions to the kids, including Dylan. They were doing the job at 1:00 a.m. Definitely knocking over Kara’s store. He hoped the hell she would stay home with a pizza and watchAntiques Roadshowor one of those rom-coms she’d always tried to get him to watch.

“About tonight. Sweet job. Dylan’s employer has about half a mil in jewelry stashed in her store, and a puny alarm system.”

Lance stood, paced over to the wooden bar near the pool table and gestured for Jace to follow. Clutching his beer, he joined the gang leader. Lance was tense, more wired than usual, and not even the three beers he’d consumed had taken the edge off.

“Gator, remember I’m leaving tonight for New York. Sales trip.” Lance popped open another beer and swigged it.

Jace knew the New York trip was urgent because Lance’s European contact to sell the stolen jewels had been arrested by Interpol. The Bureau had worked with Interpol to cut off Lance’s source at the knees, nudging him closer to home.

“I’ll be gone about a week. While I’m gone, Big Mike is in charge. I’m appointing you in charge of watching over Dylan.”

Jace nearly choked on the beer he’d intended to swallow. “Why me?”

As a newer member, he was not trusted as much as others. Big Mike had been with Lance since Lance became club president five years ago.

“The kid is skittish and I don’t want him messing up tonight. Too important. I want you watching him pull off tonight’s job. Let me or Mike know if they’re running scared.” Lance’s beady brown gaze narrowed as he studied Dylan in the corner, playing a video game on his phone. “Dylan’s trying to prove himself, and I don’t fully trust him, and if he screws up tonight, he’s out.”

A cold chill raced down Jace’s spine. Out, as in not booted from the club, but out as in lying cold in a ditch by US 27, where only the gators would find him.

“If you don’t trust him, don’t send him.”

Lance frowned. “He knows the store and has the alarm codes. He’s the one who alerted us to the new alarm system being installed tomorrow. We need his wheels. He’s fast and I need speed for this job. Dylan will disarm the alarm system and wait outside the store with you and the other two kids. Snake will crack the safe, Big Mike and Maverick will grab the goods. You’ll be on a separate bike and if there’s trouble, you’re the diversion.”

Meaning the cops. Lance planned to sacrifice him to the police, after he led authorities on a chase through downtown streets.

Lance gave him a long, cool look. “Don’t disappoint me.”

“I won’t.”

“Good. You like it here, having a place to crash?”

As far as couch surfing went, he could do better. Like at a flea-bitten motel with enough bedbugs to start their own country.

Jace nodded.

“Room’s yours for as long as you need it.” He gave him a sly look. “How’s it going with that good-looking broad at the Tiki Bar? She call you yet? Saw her with you at Earl’s.”