“Jace, what happened to you? What do you mean, your father got into trouble?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.”

“Is that why you changed so much? You had a great job with a good company in investments...”

Now, it was his turn to scowl. “Stop talking about my past. That’s my business, okay?”

“But this place...” Her nose wrinkled. “Nothing wrong with being a mechanic, but you had a career with that firm, and seeing you like this... Do you need money?”

His eyes widened. “Kara, I’m fine for money.”

She thought about the way they’d broken up, in a hurry, and he’d left for DC, while she had an important meeting with a client. Kara made a prompt decision.

“Are you busy tonight? Can we meet someplace and talk?”

He blinked, and a guarded look came over him.


“I need to talk to you. But not here, in front of him.” She indicated her head.

“Earl’s Place. I get off here at six and can meet you there at six thirty.”


Jace gave her one of his familiar, long, cool looks. “Bar. Beer and pretzels.”

On his limited salary, probably more to his taste. “Fine. I don’t have your cell. I deleted you from my contacts.”

No emotion on his face. Jace rattled off a phone number, which she entered into her contacts, then she shot him off a brief message.

Tonight, Earl’s Place. 6:30. Meet me.

Kara turned to Dylan. “Ready?”

“Yeah.” The teenager shook his head. “Nice bike. How much, Jace?”

“It’s been sold.” Jace’s gaze never left her. “Bikes like that are a lot of money, kid.”

“Come on, Dylan. I’ll drop you off. I can pick you up tomorrow and give you a ride here when your bike is ready.”

“No need. I’ll have one of the guys drop me off when Jace tells me the bike is finished.”

Kara put a hand on his too-thin shoulder. “If you’re sure, Dylan. But I wish you’d let me help you.”

He shrugged off her hand. “I’m fine. Let’s go. I know you have a lot of work.”

Giving Jace another glance, seeing the indifference on his handsome face turn to worry, only raised more questions in her mind.

What was Jace involved with and how low had he sunk?

Jace threw down the towel, cussing up a blue streak. Kara, again! She looked as classy as ever in her yellow sleeveless dress—designer, of course—and those black high heels. Long blond hair bound in a twist at the back. Elegant. She stood out in the dirty garage like a snowflake on a coal heap.

He’d fought every impulse to escort her out of the garage and tell her to get lost and never come back. What if one of the guys had seen her?

She needed to stay out of his life for good. But now, she was around Dylan. And she wanted to meet up with Jace tonight. About what?

The old feelings were still there for him. He hoped like hell Kara didn’t want to rekindle their relationship. He’d asked her to marry him, slid a ring onto her finger with a one-carat diamond and a week later, they were finished.