He managed a wink. “Not a chance. Bad-boy bikers never die. We’re too tough.”

Chapter 23

Six weeks later

“Seven hundred going once, going twice! Sold!”

Jace lowered his hand. Next to him, Rafe shook his head. “Seven hundred dollars for a vase?”

“Kara likes it.” He smiled at Kara, standing next to the auctioneer. She returned the smile. Her auction. Her items from the store. Life was good.

“Wedding gift?” Rafe grinned.

Jace drew in a breath. “Not yet. We’ve decided to take it easy this time and not rush.”

Kara’s parents, sitting in front of him, turned around. “Congratulations, Jace. I’m sure it will make a lovely gift for Kara. Wedding or not.”

At her mother’s soft smile, Jace sighed and her father winked at him.

Rafe looked amused. “Did she give you anything yet?”

Jace reached into his pocket and withdrew the little crystal frog Kara had gifted him, the same frog he had given her years ago. “She wanted me to have this, said it reminded her she was done with kissing frogs because I’m her Prince Charming.”

He couldn’t believe how lucky he was, how lucky they all were. After pocketing the frog, he rubbed his shoulder, remembering the terrible moment Marcus shot him, the horrid fear that he was helpless to aid Kara, keep her safe.

But damn, his girlfriend had proved she could save him instead.

“You’re lucky Kara didn’t shoot you back at the cabin. Why were you and the other agents dressed as DP bikers?” Jace asked.

“We went undercover, wearing their colors, after we realized why Marcus wanted Kara. Figured if he was on his way, we could stop him, but we arrived too late.”

Jace nodded. “Thanks for the back up.”

“I’ll always have your six. It’s good to see you back in the office, Jace. You’re a terrific agent. By the way, how’s Darby working out at your place?” Rafe asked.

Jace smiled, thinking of the beagle who immediately had called his condo home. “Spoiled rotten. His leg’s all better, too. I could have killed Marcus, not for shooting me, but shooting Darby.”

“Marcus won’t be going to trial.” Rafe stretched out his long legs. “Someone sank a weapon into his kidney. He’s dead.”

Jace didn’t blink. “Amazing how that happens in prison.”

Rafe shot him a look. “Saves the taxpayers the expense, and gives you peace of mind. Wonder how it happened.”

Jace shrugged again. Hell, if his father had friends in prison, and just happened to pass the word because he wanted to get even with Marcus for many things, including shooting his son, nothing Jace could do. He’d gotten a cryptic letter in the mail from Al, who said he was leaving Florida and traveling out west. Make up for lost time, after tying up loose ends.

Dylan’s high-priced lawyer, paid for by Kara’s dad, had worked out a deal with the US attorney. Most likely he’d get parole and a pardon. Ten members of the DP were awaiting trial on racketeering charges. Big Mike had the additional charge of murder, as he had helped Marcus kill the young bikers.

Without Lance, without Marcus, the club had lost its leadership, and the last time Jace drove past the clubhouse, it was listed for sale.

At the podium, Kara began pitching the new foundation she and her parents were starting to help at-risk children and teenagers. Conner’s Dream was becoming a reality and he couldn’t be more proud of her.

Jace glanced at Rafe.

“You never did tell me how Allison managed to join you at the cabin.”

“She actually returned to the DP to pick up any chatter after Snake kept pestering her, asking her to go out with him. He promised her a shiny new set of jewels if she did, bragged they were worth about six figures. She got suspicious, knowing about the theft at Kara’s, so she followed him to Georgia, pretended to show interest and found out about their destination and the cabin. Snake had threatened Dylan’s mom until she gave up the location, so Allison informed me I needed to get to the cabin before Marcus did.”

Jace sighed. “I assume Wanda didn’t go stay with her friend. I gave her money to leave.”