“I’ll try,” I said.
“That’s all I can ask for,” he replied.
“Hey Dare?” I asked a minute later.
“Who won the hockey game?”
“They did.”
“Shit,” I grumbled.
I felt his body shake with laughter.
“What’s so funny?” I asked.
“You actually gave a shit about the game?”
“Uh, yeah,” I said sarcastically.
He gave me a squeeze and then he gave me a sweet kiss on the forehead.
I fell asleep in his arms feeling amazing, feeling like I was done with the A to B, I was at C and now I was working on getting to point D. Dare. Getting Dare to keep me. That was my next goal and if I managed that, there would be nothing else I had to sweat and toil over. I could just live my life. Maybe he wouldn’t make me sweat for it. Maybe this was it. Could it be? Maybe I could somehow find me or something close to that again.
I could justify it the same way she had. We had to look like we were together, why not give it a go? Lisa insinuated it was dangerous if I didn’t. So why not, right? Yeah, right. I was a fucking dog looking for permission to be a fucking dog. No better than the scumbags that took her. A dirty scumbag taking what shouldn’t be mine.
Pop was probably looking up at me from hell with a smirk on his face. What the hell was wrong with me? Barely a few days after I get her out of a hellhole where she’s been brainwashed to be a perfect sex slave and I’m fucking her brains out, watching the game with her in bed, asking her about babies for fuck’s sake.
She felt so good in my arms. Too good. I didn’t deserve to feel this. I couldn’t sleep. I slipped out of bed and into my den and started up the computer and then buzzed Tommy on video chat.
Tommy’s computer was making noise. I’d been walking by a room that we’d turned into an office for him and saw that it said “D” was calling. I suspected it was Dario but didn’t want to take a chance at answering it, so I walked away and found Tommy up on the rooftop deck, swimming laps in the pool. I sat down on a lounge chair and watched him swim. It was a nice night. He’d been in a good mood today. We had gone for dinner to this little place not far away that was quiet and romantic and then after dinner we’d taken a walk on the beach.
After three more lengths of the pool he swam closer to where I was and then his arms emerged by where my feet were dangling and he captured me by the hips and yanked me into the water.
“Hey,” I said after we emerged from the water. “You got my nightie all wet!”
“I’d like to get something else all wet,” he said against my throat and then my earlobe was in his mouth.
He moved us to more shallow water and I wrapped my legs around his waist while he peeled my nightgown over my head. Then his hands were between us. He got his cock free from his swim trunks and then took me fit us together.
“Mm, perfect fit,” I said against his forehead and then kissed it. I put my hands into his hair and he put me against the side of the pool and started rotating his hips. A moment later he hoisted me up and planted my bottom on the deck and then climbed up and pulled me to a deck chaise where he went down on me, making me cry out. It was a beautiful night and there were so many stars. I loved this rooftop terrace. We got to have sex outside and still, it was totally private. There was no one here but us. No guards around, no danger. Just us.
“I love you more than anything in this world,” I said to him and he moved up my body and then pushed in deep, to the root, inside me.
“Love you more, baby girl.” His lips met mine and he kissed me long and sweet and then thrust into me over and over until he came inside me.
Later, I was getting cleaned up and found him in the spare room typing away on email.
“Dare?” I asked him.
“Zack. Why?”
“Is Dare “D” on your video chat?”
“Yeah, why?”
He was buzzing you earlier. That’s why I came up to the pool.