Page 54 of Truth or Dare

“How about when you tell me that story you tell me your name.”

“You know my name,” I said softly.


“Dare, if I ever say that other name out loud again something really bad’ll happen.”

“No, it won’t because I won’t let it,” he said into my ear and kissed my neck.

He didn’t answer me about him wanting kids.

“Can’t I just be Angel?” I asked.

He sighed. “For now, all right. Goodnight my Angel. Sweet dreams.”

“Thanks to you they will be,” I said, fingering my collar and curled into him. His Angel. Swoon. I hoped I could be his angel forever.

He gave me a squeeze.


“Yeah, baby?”

“Do you call all girls angel?”


“Some guys call all women a pet name: baby, sweetheart, sugar, you know?”


“Do you, uh… do you call anyone else Angel?”

“Never. Why?”


“Nope. Why?”

“Maybe it’s not the awesome name I thought it was if it’s not just mine.”

“It’s just yours. You have the face of an angel. You’re trying to be a perfect one.” I felt him shrug.

“Thank you for saving me. And for giving me that name. Now that I know that, it feels even more like it’s mine.”

He gave me a squeeze.

“Please keep me,” I whispered before thinking, pouring everything I had into the plea. After a too-long pause I wished I could snatch it back. So much for my long logical speech.

But then he said, “I’m thinkin’ about it. I’m beating myself up for it but gotta say, I’m tempted.”

“Then I have to keep being your angel.” I snuggled in closer. “So you won’t wanna give me up.”

He sighed. “No promises, yet, angelbaby, but you’re playing your cards right so far.”

“Okay.” I smiled.

“But I’d rather you be you,” he whispered. “Don’t be an angel just because you’re afraid. Be you.” He caressed my face.