Page 16 of Truth or Dare

She flinched and I felt like shit.

“I’m sorry,” I told her, looking her in the eyes.

She looked baffled.

“Tell me what’s on your mind, Felicia. Talk to me here. We need to communicate.”

“I’m just trying to figure out how to please you, Master. I’m accustomed to being directed.”

I gritted my teeth. “Just lay down and go to sleep. In the bed. I have no expectations of you right now.”

I pulled the comforter back and motioned for her to get under, trying really fucking hard to not look at her nudity. She looked shell-shocked.

“What?” I snapped.

“Am I not…uh…did I do something wrong?”

I clenched my teeth and decided I needed to play things carefully here. I planned to get through this unscathed, to get out of here and then figure out our next move.

“No, Felicia. Nothing’s wrong. I’m tired from the trip. We’ll have plenty of time to get acquainted better later.” There, that should do it.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to take care of you, Dare?” she asked huskily and the change in her tone made the hairs on my arms and the back of my neck rise.

“I’m good,” I mumbled. “Put the t-shirt back on.”

She reached over and found it while I flicked the lamp off and squeezed my eyes shut tight. I rolled over so my back was to her.

It didn’t take me long to fall asleep. The bed was soft and felt like it was hugging me. And his presence, it did something to me, something I couldn’t put my finger on. My mind was almost buzzing but it was like it was all white noise, muffled, unintelligible.

I occasionally slept in beds with patrons but normally when it happened, I was totally exhausted, completely spent by the time I fell asleep. Not tonight. He hadn’t wanted any sexual favors. He fed me, walked me, let me take a bubble bath, and then clothed me and let me sleep beside him in a soft bed. He was handsome. He was young and virile. So what was wrong with him? He was angry. What else? He’d have no problem finding a woman so maybe he had very dark carnal tastes. I’d had dark; boy had I had dark. How dark would he be?

As I fell asleep, I grazed with my fingertips, the idea not of hope of a happily ever after but hope of being off this continent. Him taking me away from here could mean anything. He might be twisted and sick. I might end up cold, in the ground and pushing up daisies. But I had worked so hard to get to this moment and I wanted with all my being for it to not be all for naught. Just about anything was better than here.

I didn’t dare hope for normalcy; all of that had been programmed away. I wasn’t an individual with rights and freedoms; I was a slave. But I hoped that I could, I don’t know, cope maybe? Maybe being away from here would make that easier. Maybe not. But maybe.

I slept well. I slept like a baby. And when I woke up, he was spooning me. Spooning me, for heaven’s sake. It was the oddest feeling to wake up like that. I felt strangely protected, claimed. It was wonderful. I was smiling big, smiling bigger than I could remember smiling in a really long time.

He was warm, his body hard and strong, he smelled really, really good, and he was erect against my naked backside. The t-shirt had ridden up above my navel. I found myself pressing back against him, wiggling in, basking in that feeling of being cocooned by him. He started to rock against me. I twisted my neck to sneak a peek at his face and he was asleep but gently humping my backside. My smile probably got bigger because my cheeks were now hurting.

Okay, so he wasn’t impotent. I’d recently had to entertain a much older man who was impotent and who got rather angry when we couldn’t get things working. I don’t know why he thought I’d be some miracle worker when it was clearly a medical issue. I’d wound up with a black eye after that session because the old geezer was so frustrated with my inability to help him maintain an erection. Thankfully I hadn’t gotten punished for that. The Kruna cameras told them the story; they knew it wasn’t my fault. It was one of the rare occasions I’d been treated fairly – if you could call it that.

I knew I was in a room without cameras, a VIP perk, and this lack of being watched was strange. When Dare didn’t touch me last night, I wasn’t sure if he was uninterested in me and planned to knock me back for an exchange or if maybe there was a medical thing happening. If so, it wasn’t happening in his sleep, that was for sure.

One of his hands glided up my thigh to my hip and his other arm slid under me and then around my chest to grasp my shoulder. He pulled me tight against him. I was still peeking over my shoulder, watching him do this in his sleep but as he rolled his hips against me, I started to rock with him and as his cock was directly against my crack, I clenched my cheeks. He was big. Nice.

He let out a little groan and his sleeping face was looking very sexy, very aroused. But then his eyes opened slowly and he glanced at me for a split second and then he winced and backed away.

“Fuck,” he grunted.

I was now on my back, looking at him and he was standing up.

She was lying there looking gorgeous with her copper hair wavy and fanned across the pillow, her eyes sleepy, and a sexy smile on her face.

I’d gotten instantly to my feet. Her eyes landed on my groin. I had a raging hard-on. Fuck! I stumbled to the bathroom and slammed the door. Fuck! I punched the wall, breaking the drywall with my fist.

When I came back out, she was still in the bed, blankets pulled up to her armpits, and she was looking at me with fear on her face. I hadn’t meant to scare her. I needed to get us outta here so I could tell her the truth. But it’d have to wait.

I sat on the edge of the bed. “Don’t be afraid.” I reached over and touched her face with my palm. Her eyes moved over my face and she gave me a little nod. Then she flung the blankets back and spread her legs wide, took the t-shirt and whipped it over her head. She was naked and spread eagled. Again.