A guy in a suit stepped out of the front passenger seat of the car and then he stepped in front of Zack and flashed his ID at me. He shone a flashlight on the ID.
Interpol. Fuck.
“We need to take custody of your prisoner,” the ID-flashing guy said.
I looked to Zack.
“We need to talk,” he said.
“I’ll say we do,” I replied.
“Step aside, boys,” I said to my guys and then watched as they took custody of Frost.
Zack and I had not more than a quick chat before he left. He told me we needed to talk in the morning, that he had a lot to explain, asked me not to jump to conclusions, and then he left with them. To say I was pissed would be putting it mildly. I went in the house and stared at Frost’s laptop, sitting on the table. I bet Interpol would love to get their hands on that. I texted Nino and he came in from outside and I handed it to him and told him to leave with it, to put it some place safe.
“What was that scene all about?” he asked me.
“Don’t know yet; guess we’ll find out.” I answered and then went in and phoned Tommy with the quick low-down. He replied through gritted teeth that we couldn’t do much but wait for more intel from Zack unless we wanted to jump ship in the middle of the night. I agreed that if we were gonna be arrested we’d be in custody now, so we’d wait. I went up and found her asleep. I climbed in and did nothing but stare at the ceiling for the rest of the night, listening to her breathe, pondering everything going on in my life.
In the morning, I got a text from Zack addressed to me and my brother telling us that he had to leave town for a few days but would meet with us when he got back. He said it was important, he knew that he had a lot of explaining to do, but asked that we trust him. He referred us to a partner, a guy named Hal, who could help with any PI / security needs until he was back. Right. As if we’d continue to use his services not getting a full explanation from him. His text directed me to tell Kruna that I’d taken out Jason Frost, that he was dead.
I was not happy. I didn’t know if Zack was a Fed or if the Feds were gonna be back to discuss Jason Frost or everything else further. I didn’t know if we should just stay vigilant or if we should take off. It didn’t sit well being in the dark, being vulnerable. My brother was as livid as I was.
Angel and I packed up and headed back to the condo. She was quiet all the way back, likely picking up on my mood in addition to dealing with her own emotions.
I took her upstairs and then told her I was stepping out for a few hours.
“Do you want me to have someone come sit with you?”
She shook her head.
“I’ll be back soon.”
I left.
He’d been distant that day. I didn’t know the status with Jason. I didn’t know what was on his mind, I didn’t know much.
He left the apartment, and I curled up in the living room under a blanket and watched cartoons.
Much later, he was back. He kissed me hello and then went to his den and was gone for a long time. I fell asleep on the couch, hoping he’d carry me to bed, but at four a.m., I woke up in the same place. He was asleep in the bed.
My heart ached. I went back to the couch and couldn’t fall back asleep.
The sun came up and I smelled coffee. I sat up and he was in the kitchen,
“Hey,” he said. “Why’re you out here?” He sipped his coffee. He looked ready for the office, dressed in a dark blue suit.
“I fell asleep, I guess,” I muttered and went to the bathroom. When I came out he was on the phone and gathering up his keys and heading out the door. I stepped to the island and he rushed back over, still talking on the phone, telling someone off by the sounds of it, saying “I don’t fucking think so! Find out where he went!” and he kissed me quickly and then he left.
I stood there for I don’t know how long, sadness enveloping me. Did something change with him and I? Did he feel differently about me now? What was going on? Did Jason get away or something like that?
If he did, would he find me and take me?
I tried not to let horror wash over me. I tried hard.
He came home late. I heard him come in from where I was on the sofa in the dark and he walked right by me, heading straight to the master bedroom. I held the tears back. A few minutes later I saw a light go on in the hall, maybe the den. Then I felt his presence. He sat on the edge of the sofa, “Hey, baby?”