Page 116 of Truth or Dare

“Be good and you can have it. But be naughty if you want more spanking, baby.” He whispered this and I immediately let go of the headboard and scampered until I was at his crotch and I flipped him so that he fell onto his back and then I was straddling his face and had my face down at his crotch. I got his cock in my mouth and then I got his hand hard across my ass. I moaned. His other hand came down and he grabbed me by the hair and roughly pushed my head so that his cock went deeper. That hand stayed on the back of my head fisting my hair while the other slapped me right on the pussy. I started to tremble, hard.

He came down my throat and I came with his tongue inside of me, his mouth working by sucking my clit.

Wow. Amazing. Every day with my Master kept getting better and better.

The next morning, we were eating cheese omelets and his phone started again. He went outside with it for a while and came back in and told me he needed to take off for the day. He pinned me against the wall with his hips and said into my ear, “While I’m gone you be my good girl, okay?”

I nodded.

“But tonight, when I get back, I want your hair curly. And I want you to be naughty. All right, my baby? Very naughty.”

“Okay,” I whispered. My nipples hardened at the words and at the look in his eyes.

He kissed me deeply and for a long time, and then he left.

I had to get back to where Tommy and the girls all were. Shit had hit the fan the night before and Tommy needed me. He, Lisa, and I were sitting down and having it out. Lisa had a meltdown and had gone off on Tommy, screamed about him killing Pop in front of the other girls, shattering a mirror, and Tommy said it’d been a nightmare. Tia had spewed the truth out to settle Lisa down and it did but Lisa hadn’t spoken a word since.

What’d happened to the sweet girl? Was she having an Angel-style meltdown? Taken out of her carefully constructed world of pretending and after the miscarriage now she couldn’t hack it? I threw her life into a tailspin, ripped her world apart by telling her we knew her secrets. And it made everything unravel for her. Poor thing. Poor thing, yeah, but we couldn’t let her put our family in jeopardy, either. Tommy and I needed to do damage control.

As for my Angel, I was trying out a new method. Getting her to be naughty. I was keeping her obedient during the day and naughty when it was the two of us, using sex. When all the drama bullshit was over I’d opt for naughty more and more until eventually I just let her decide who she needed to be. If I did that and eased her out of the slave world but kept the Master card in my back pocket and saved it in case she had a meltdown it could work. I hoped it would. The night before had been hot, her going crazy like that to get a spanking. I got hard while driving just thinking about it.

Gan Chen had his resources working hard to get Jason Frost in. I had a quandary there, though. If I analyzed all that I currently knew it could be that Frost simply wanted to save her from that slave life.

Could he be a good guy stuck in a bad situation? If he saw that she was okay with me would he be able to let go of the guilt of her getting pulled in to Kruna because of his failure to keep her safe?

If that’s all that this was, I could conceivably get him off our backs. But then again, how would I do that without revealing my cards? If I revealed to Jason Frost that I wasn’t Angel’s Master but a guy who’d fallen for her and a guy that wanted out of the Kruna association, that could put Angel, me, and my family in danger with Kruna. It was a fucking conundrum, for sure.

Maybe I should just let Gan Chen catch him, do away with the guy. After all, he was connected to Kruna, the nephew of the sadistic prick who’d fucked her up for seven months and even if he was trying to save her now, he’d waited almost two years to do it so he couldn’t be that concerned with her welfare.

But I could also look at it like this: I was Tom Ferrano’s son. I shouldn’t be persecuted because of my father any more than Jason Frost should be persecuted because of his uncle. Was letting Gan Chen and his guys catch him the best thing to do or if I did, would I accrue more bad karma? What to do?

When I got to Pop’s place, I heard Tommy and Tia arguing in the kitchen.

“You didn’t have to break his goddamn face! It’s not like I was gonna leave with him. It’s not like he’s any real threat to our relationship, Tommy.”

“No?” My brother’s voice boomed. “The fucking guy is digging around in my family’s business; he’s trying to get you to fucking betray me. He disrespected me. He needed his face fucking smashed in. He’s lucky he’s not in the fucking ground!”

Tia’s muffled voice grumbled. “No! Don’t touch me right now. I’m not fucking happy with you.”

“Don’t tell me not to touch you. I’ll touch you if I wanna fucking touch you,” he growled. “I’ll do whatever the fuck I wanna do to you.”

I caught sight of Sarah and Tess in the family room, both with horrified looks on their faces. Sarah was holding baby Nicky.

I stepped into the kitchen.

“Hey guys. Chill. Ears out there.”

Tommy had her pinned against the wall and his hand was on her throat. He let go of her. She was red-faced. She gave me a relieved look as she passed me, storming out of the kitchen. Tommy put a hand to his forehead and stared at the floor.

“Hey, man. Let’s go talk,” I said. “Let’s talk first and then we’ll talk to Lisa. She still in her room?”


He followed me out to the back yard. Luciana was out there with the other kids. I motioned for her to take the kids inside.

He wasn’t interested in talking to me about his fight with Tia at first, but clearly she was pissed about finding out Tommy’d been arrested for assaulting her ex-boyfriend. He’d only been in for a few hours as the charges had been dropped.

Between him being pissed with her for what’d happened with Lisa the day before and her being pissed with him about beating up the ex and getting arrested, plus the whole lockdown scenario and Lisa’s state of mind things were heated. I talked to him about a few things businesswise and he seemed to plug into the discussion and put his beef with Tia aside.