Page 110 of Truth or Dare

I hated to do it, to bring up that shit for him, but told him that she blamed him for losing Pop. He needed to know, especially with the fact that she was now having this reaction to the miscarriage.

“She what?”

“She blames you. She didn’t out and out say it but eluded and was just about to when I told her to shut her mouth and said she had no idea what happened and didn’t need to know.”

Tommy was shaken up at that and it took a lot to rattle my brother, so him being rattled told me he’d been torturing himself over his actions since they’d happened.

We knew that the girls all suspected that Tommy ended Pop’s life, but no one asked; nothing was said. Tommy had no choice. I knew that and I had a strong feeling my sisters knew that, too. It’d be suspected to those not in the know that the death was due to blowback after taking out Jesse Romero and that’s how we left it. The papers made that sound like the case, too.

Tommy and I had been interviewed by the police and we had alibis. Our contact JC and his cleanup crew, along with someone we had on payroll in the homicide department made it so the whole thing was tidy. Not too many questions.

But Luciana, Tessa, and Lisa? Yeah, not much was said other than the fact that Pop and some of his guards were shot at one of Pop’s safe houses. The girls never asked Tia what’d happened. Tia never offered info, according to Tommy, and no one asked. But everyone knew Pop had kissed Tia in front of the family out of being angry at Tommy and at least a few people knew that a few of Pop’s men pulled Tia from Tommy’s Jeep after I put her there and took off with her.

Tommy showed up at the office and then me, Tommy, and Zack talked for a bit. When Tommy left the office at 11:30, it gave me some time to do a bit of work while waiting for noon for Gan Chen to show up.

I got my poker face firmly in place.

I stepped out onto the street outside the Ferrano offices and that’s where I was greeted by two uniformed cops who arrested me for the assault of Nick Gordon. Dex told me Gordon was gonna stand down but either he didn’t do that or the cops hadn’t yet gotten that message.

Tommy didn’t say much about the latest drama we were in, but told me to stay vigilant with Luc, Tessa, and Lisa at the house. We spent a great night in the farmhouse before he found out about new drama and then dropped me off with the girls.

When we’d first arrived at the farm, I was excited about the possibility of decorating it. We wouldn’t live there but it’d be our place whenever we were here, if we continued to live overseas, and if we decided to move back home, we would have a country getaway, a getaway where I’d fallen in love with him and shared some amazing moments.

We’d taken a walk on the property and we’d gone up to the loft, which was mostly empty but we’d still made out like crazy up there, in memory of the fun we’d had there before. And then just as he was getting ready to close the loft up, I said, “Bet you a dollar you can’t catch me.” I was near the stairs and he was on the far side of the loft, closing the doors that opened out to the back, facing the pond.

“How about we make it a little more interesting than a dollar?” he had offered.

“Hm. Okay. Bet ’cha you can’t catch me before I get to the front door of the house and if I win, I get to tie you to the bed and have my wicked way with you. And you’ll owe me a dollar.”

“And if I win?”

“Then you can do whatever you want to me. And I’ll owe you a dollar.”

He’d smirked. “I already do whatever I want to you on a daily basis, baby girl.”

I’d smirked back. “Are we playing this game or are you too afraid to lose?”

“I’ll give you to the count of five.”

“Five? That’s not enough.”


I dashed down the stairs as fast as I could. I got to the door of the house and waited a good minute before he emerged from the barn. He strolled out of the barn and sauntered over.

“Hey! You let me win. Why?” I huffed.

“I’ve gotta let you win once in a while, wife. And besides, I’m a little curious about what you’ll do to me after you’ve tied me up.”

I giggled. “Well then… how’s about you get your sexy ass up to bed and let me show you?” I swatted at his butt but he caught my wrist and then he threw me over his shoulder and carried me up toward the bed. I was upset for a minute, thinking he’d changed his mind, but we got to the bedroom and he set me on my feet, then he threw his shirt off, kicked off his boots, and flopped onto the bed, throwing his arms up over his head.

“Ravish me,” he challenged.

I chewed my lip and then straddled him and started working on unbuckling his belt. Once I got it undone and off him, I proceeded to use it to restrain him. I wrapped it around the brass headboard rails and then took his wrists, crossed them, and worked at weaving the belt around them. It wasn’t looking too secure, so I undid it, took off my own belt and used his belt on one arm and my belt on the other. Since I’d undone my jeans, I decided to take those and my shirt off, leaving me in a red demi cup bra and red cheeky panties.

Tommy looked totally relaxed, very amused, and extremely interested in finding out what I had planned. I never figured I’d win this challenge, so, I’d had to wing it.

I got his pants undone and down over his hips but then I decided I wanted to touch and kiss his gorgeous chest, so I started at the owl tattoo and then tongued the nipple just below my name. I felt him flex his hips and I smiled against his chest and ignored his crotch area. I kissed up to his throat and tongued his earlobe, then I sat up and leaned back onto his thighs so that I wasn’t anywhere near his cock. I ran my hands up and down his torso and his expression was heated. He was staring into my eyes and practically into my very soul.