Page 106 of Truth or Dare

The Dex and Tino team worked well in terms of persuasion. Dex was the baby-faced fast talker and Tino was the intimidating muscle. I wanted to curl back into Tia. The nap hadn’t been enough considering I’d barely slept, but I had to check my voicemails.

Two minutes later I was outside, walking by the pond, on the phone with Dare, ready to conference in Zack.

“I’m on the road, man. Can’t talk but will call you back in 10 minutes when I’m at Ed’s family’s cabin. You still at the farm? If so, stay there.”

“Got it. Yeah, I’ll stay put.”

I got us into Eddy’s family’s cabin. It was private, wooded, a nice little place on a great piece of property. Ed’s dad used it as a hunt camp years back, but he’d died and Luc and Ed had since done some work, put on a second story plus an addition, and made it into more of a cottage. It had a wood stove, big back deck overlooking a forest with a stream, three bedrooms. It was close enough to get to the city in a hurry, but away enough to feel like a haven.

I’d stopped at our storage unit and got a bug-out bag and keys from Ed on the way. Tommy and I each had bug-out bags there, one for each of us, plus a bag covering the whole family should the shit ever hit the fan in a way where we’d all need to be gone. I needed to update that bag to cover Angel now, too.

We got our things inside and then I told her I had to step out to make a call.

She was looking a little hurt, probably because I was keeping her in the dark, but she was keeping as tight a rein on it as I guessed she could manage. I didn’t wanna keep her hanging for long, but I needed to brief Tommy and follow-up with Zack before I could take the time to sit down and talk to her. If she had a flip-out I needed time to devote to getting her chilled out so if I got these calls out of the way first there was more of a chance of me being able to give her whatever time she needed.

Suddenly a sick feeling crawled up my spine and I texted Zack.

Just dawned that Angel’s got a fucking chip. They put a tracker in her so if there are bad intentions then this place isn’t gonna be safe for long so I’m adding security. What’s the status on everything?

I had a few guys I could use. I’d need a few more to make sure the house back home was safe, too.

I texted Eddy.

Get Luc and the kids to Pop’s house. We need to go on lock down. I’ll keep you posted.

Eddy replied a minute later, so I called my brother. As soon as he answered I launched in:

“We have people on their way from Thailand, including Gan Chen. We’ve got another visitor who’s here already, Jason Frost, Angel’s ex, an ex who’s looking like the reason she was at Kruna, the ex who I just found out is related to one of the former big wigs from Kruna, a now dead former bigwig who fucked my Angel up royally. Angel saw Jason this morning and he didn’t approach, he took off, so he was stalking us. Zack confirmed it’s him and he’s been on radar after being off for a bit so something’s up his sleeve. I’m at Ed’s family’s cabin but Angel has a tracker implant so if we’re on Kruna’s hit list, we’re not safe. I’m getting supplies dropped here by Nino or Dex soon and I need to get some security here.”

“I mobilized Dex already,” Tommy said. “I had to get him to visit someone at the hospital and get them to drop assault charges.”


“Tia’s ex. More later. Not important right now.”

“All right, so I’ll get Nino here with supplies. I need security here in case they track us down. I’m gonna call Nino and get a couple guys here and get a couple to watch the girls. Ed’s taking Luc and the kids to be with the other girls. Is Lisa home from the hospital yet?”

“Tino’s going with Dex. Hospital?” he said. “She has an appointment?”

“Shit. You don’t know.”

“Don’t know what?”

“Tess messaged me this morning to say she was at the hospital with Leese. She miscarried, man.”

“Shit,” Tommy replied. “I haven’t read my texts from her or Luc yet. They’ve both texted. Okay, you call Nino back, I’ll call Tess and make sure she and Leese are home. If not, I’ll get Dex and Tino to escort them after dealing with the punk. It’s probably the same hospital. Same neighborhood.”

“Got it.”

“Call you back soon.”

I got a text to Nino and then I went back inside. Angel was looking out the window at the forest out back. I stepped in and took her into my arms.

“Okay, babe, come sit down. I had to get a few things done first and now I can tell you that we need to chill here for a bit while I see what’s what.”

We sat on the sofa and I kept her close. “You did see Jason this morning. He’s in town.”

Her eyes went wide and she started to shake her head, no.