“He loves me and you don’t know.”
“He is dangerous, Tia. The stuff my uncle found out… I didn’t even tell the girls the half of it.”
He was being too loud.
“I can help you get away from him. Come with me right now. I’ll get you hidden. I’ll…” He reached for and caught my wrist.
“No, Nick. I’m good. Seriously.” I shrugged him off and shot him a warning look.
If Tommy had seen him put his hands on me, that would not be good.
He blew out a long breath. “Don’t lose my number. You ever need anything, you call me.”
“Thanks. But, I’m good. Have a nice life, Nick. I mean that.”
He left, slamming the door.
I headed back to the dining room. It was quiet and awkward in there and I knew they’d heard everything. Tommy’s expression was hard, but he made no moves. I sat beside him.
Rose, Mia, and Beth went to the kitchen to get food. Ruby excused herself and I suspected she was chasing Nick down.
Dinner was weird but Rose tried to make nice. She asked us about our living arrangements.
“We’re staying in the house I grew up in for now. We weren’t planning to be back this soon from our honeymoon so I’m not sure about our long-term plans yet. We may travel some more first,” Tommy told her.
Tommy asked Cal about his work and they talked for a bit but the whole meal was forced, uncomfortable. Afterwards, I was in the kitchen with everyone clearing up, and as soon as Rose left the room Beth and Mia cornered me.
“Tia,” Mia whispered, “Are you really okay?”
I nodded. “I really am.”
Beth got right in my face. “We were so worried about you. Don’t ever do that to us again.”
I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “You guys don’t know what I went through and I can’t go there. Let me say now that I’m done apologizing. I’ve done it. If you can’t accept it, there’s nothing more for me to say.”
Beth put her arms around me and so did Mia. I spotted Ruby in the corner of the kitchen. She moved in and bridged the gap. We had a group hug and Ruby choked first. That led to all of us getting sniffly and watery-eyed.
“He is fucking gorgeous,” Beth whispered.
“So much,” Mia added.
Ruby butt in. “He usually gives her two orgasms each time. Two!”
We all giggled.
“Is that actually true?” Beth gasped.
“Sometimes even three,” I whispered.
“Holy shit!” Mia squealed.
“And you know what he can do to a cherry stem…” I added.
“Wow,” Ruby said and they all got dreamy-eyed. We all started giggling louder.
Tommy stepped into the kitchen and saw our huddle, heard our girlie cackling.